Use Battle Cards to Help You Stay on Track to Reach Your Goals
Adam Robinson
Founder & Chief Growth Officer ?? at Strategexe and Markexe. I ?? helping small businesses grow. ?? Director of Startup Grind in Louisville, KY. ?? Geeks out on strength training ???? and nutrition.
Dreaming is easy.
Goal setting is fun.
Achieving either is very difficult.
I think we can all agree that the trail to achievement is blazed with consistent, focused actions that get us one step closer to what we want.
This sounds great when we are motivated or comfortable, but what happens when facing difficult challenges, feeling unmotivated, tired, hungry, or a host of other things?
For most of us, sometimes we battle through and other times relent.
On my journey to achieving better health by getting to my ideal weight, I discovered a surprising tactic to help me fight through the temptation to make a bad food decision.
During my weekly Catalyst Circle accountability group, a group member mentioned how battle cards helped him be more effective in certain sales situations. I had never heard of a battle card before and asked him to share more about them.
According to my friend and Hubspot, a battle card is a “visual aid comparing your company’s product, service, features, and pricing to one or many competitors. Typically a one-pager, a battle card is a quick way to provide an overview of your competitors and to see how you stack up against them in crucial areas of performance and value.”
When he shared this with me, I was in the process of shedding excess fat and struggling with getting my eating under control.
I had a vision for a different type of battle card.
After our accountability session was over, I found a notecard and wrote down the following:
- My goal
- Why I wanted to achieve my goal
- Three questions to ask when tempted to make a bad food decision
When I was struggling with food, I would pull out my battle card and read each of the three sections aloud.
Something is compelling about stating your goal, your why, and asking yourself if the decision you are about to make worth it!
Since I created this first battle card, I have made many more to help me achieve my goals and overcome the obstacles I encountered on the way.
I found this to be a simple yet effective tactic to help me stay focused and overcome moments of weakness or uncertainty.
I want to learn from you and hear what you discovered that helps you stay on track to achieving your goals?
Knowledge Junkie | Story Collector | Wanna-be Writer
3 年I love this idea, Adam!
Helping business leaders and entrepreneurs transform their life and business.
3 年Great idea Adam!