Use AI to fix a problem. Do not create problems for it to fix.
Generative AI is transforming the way we work. It is already making us think about how we work and how long something can take to complete.
It is also shiny and new and everyone wants to use it to enhance their day to day work.
As we try to work out how it can be used day to day in our law firm, we are all asking ‘how will it help?’ Layering software, even when it can be as fun as AI, will only cost time and money if we implement it incorrectly.
Without a plan, the temptation to try and build AI into our working regime will only cost time and money.
AI fatigue - typing in ten prompts, giving up and doing it manually - is a potential thing. We want it to become a tool for good, and help not hinder.
Just make sure you pick one that will help.
What will AI do for us day to day?
Work out where your problems are. What takes the longest, what is repetitive, what is boring but needs to be sorted?
Reducing the process down to ‘AI will make your job easier’ needs some definition and some work. It is a tool not an instant solution.
The idea of generative AI is exciting. I do not want to dumb that excitement down. I am a huge proponent of progress, but the implementation needs to be sensibly implemented, whilst we all stay up to date.
If you have a problem to fix, then find something to fix it.
When you know what your problems are, you'll know what solutions you should be looking for. Chances are AI will cure some of them.
Applying the reverse logic of 'I have AI - lets make it do something' will be a waste of time.
What would I love from an AI system?
I do not want to confuse the tool that AI is and will become, with the service we provide as a human team of lawyers. There will be a time when a non-human AI lawyer provides good advice on basic matters, then complex matters, then drafting, then Court cases. Until then, our tools need to help us.