Use the 85% rule to maximize your progress.
Use the 85 % rule to boost your productivity!
Whether you are learning a new language, developing your business plan, or trying something new using the 85% rule will help you make progress.
Over-exertion for anything we are trying to take on will cause burn out so it is important to know how to motivate ourselves in a healthy way. Developments in neuroscience tell us that the brain works best when dealing with an 85% success rate and a 15% fail rate.
We don't want things to be too easy because we will lose interest and not feel like we are growing enough. If things are too difficult it feels like we can't gain any traction making us feel defeated and causing us to eventually give up.
The 85% rule is that sweet spot we are aiming for, if you are flying through and passing 100% of the time you're not learning enough. Self-assessment is important to know if you are challenging yourself enough. Looking back at your progression rate will tell you if you need to take some off your plate or add more.
As humans, we experience peak motivation when working on a task that is right on the edge of our current capabilities.
This also reminds us how failure is a part of success, do not feel defeated when things get difficult. It's good to challenge ourselves and truly a natural part of progress.
Keeping track of your daily completion percentage can be key to ensuring you are staying on track.
Using Vervo to track your daily completion of routines is one way to ensure you are staying in the motivation range or growth zone.
Give it a try on Vervo by clicking here and start tracking your daily percentage and see how close or far away you are from the 85% rule.