Is USCIS myProgress progressive ?
Ganesh Chennimalai Sankaran
Data center networks | Programmable data plane | Distributed systems | Network Optimization | Network Security
We filed an application to #USCIS. This time, #USCIS introduced myProgress option in account. It was an interesting feature. Hmm not anymore..
Usually, it is like a stone thrown in abyss, until it is decided.
T0 + 2 weeks: myProgress showed that case will be decided in 2 weeks. I got excited about myProgress. This is too quick.
+2 weeks: I saw the image above showing decision is taking longer than expected. Better than previous at least some status is showing. Hope they decide in a few days.
+few days: This time it was four weeks to decide. My reaction was this is a more reasonable estimate and probably the initial one was AI populated :-)
+4 weeks: Back to "longer than expected". Hmm what am I seeing..
Next few months, this has gone back and forth umpteen times between "longer than expected" and "2 or 4 weeks" in the last few months. Now, I am wondering whether they introduced myProgress after testing or performing live testing. Is myProgress really progressive ?
If you are waiting and are trying to monitor progress of your application - all the best ! Is myProgress really helping ? I think we were progressing better without it.