USB Lock RP version 11.03.02 Straightforward centralized network devices access control
Javier Arrospide
Author of USB-Lock-RP Device Control - Software Engineer CEO of Advanced Systems International
USB Lock RP version 11.03.02
Straightforward centralized network devices access control
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: (Tuesday March 3rd 2017)
Advanced Systems International, CEO Javier Arrospide announced today the official latest release of its flagship software product USB Lock RP
This USB Lock RP version is presented confident to be commented as “Exactly what we needed” by IT professionals testing to secure their networks.
Specially designed to protect Industrial windows networks USB Lock RPs 13 year old evolution is history of success that presents the most straightforward, effective solution with a very small footprint on systems.
USB Lock RP licenses are permanent use licenses.
USB Lock RP software is personalized presenting end-user organization logo on alert screens appearing at clients.
USB Lock RP orders include 2 years software maintenance subscription.
Download USB Lock RP v 11.03.02