USA Markets: Benefits Of Thermally Broken Metal Windows
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The “Metal Movement” and “Thermally Broken.”. Why you want your metal windows to be BROKEN.
Thermally broken metal windows provide several benefits over non-thermally broken systems. We are often asked about specific performance benefits.
The basic performance premise is:
Sounds like a no-brainer, right? So how does it work?
First of all – what does “thermally broken” mean?? While the name itself has a negative connotation to it, the concept is very positive when it comes to metal windows and doors.
In layperson’s terms, thermally broken refers to high-performance insulator material separating two metal halves, whether aluminum, steel, or bronze.? The insulator cuts down the ‘thermal bridging.’ With NON thermally efficient systems, or solid metal systems, cold and heat can exit or enter the interior of the home by travelling or “bridging” through the solid metal perimeter frame or true divided muntins.
Thermally broken refers to high-performance insulator material separating two metal halves — aluminum, steel or bronze.?
Introduce the ‘broken’ aspect via thermal insulator, and the insulator acts as a defensive line against thermal transfer.
Whether heat or cold, thermal transfer (or lack of it) does affect the comfort level inside the home. We invest in heating and air-conditioning in order to be comfortable. It’s no different with your thermally broken windows. It is literally a “Quality of Life” component.
For those who prefer visuals, here’s a quick example:
When considering or specifying metal windows and doors for your new luxury home, getaway property, or boutique commercial project, there are a few key points to manage when discussing thermally broken versus solid metal profiles:
A typical thermally broken steel casement window, with dual glazing a single coat of performance LoE, can have a u-value of 0.34 and a condensation resistance factor of 58.? A typical non-thermally broken steel window can have a u-value of 0.46 and condensation resistance of 25.? The lower the u-value number, the better the thermal performance of the window, and the higher the condensation rating value, the better the resistance to potential condensation.? These values will change depending on the inclusion of TDL or SDL muntins or if higher performing glass is requested.
To achieve thermally efficient metal windows, having a true thermal break is the essential starting point. This needs to be combined with the appropriate glazing specifications to meet the specific code values or preferred performance levels for each project. Glass and glazing is a world unto itself so have a conversation with your window fabricator about the code compliance, aesthetics and costs of the various options.
DRUET Windows have been around for centuries in some of the world’s most iconic structures, sought after for their narrow profiles, longevity, structural strength and low maintenance. Innovations in thermal break technology have added thermal performance to this list and the process continues unabated.
So now you know why you want your metal windows to be “broken”.