The USA | The Hero & Villain of Global Economy
K M Gokul Sundar
Brand, Marketing & Communication Leader | Author | Insight & Transformation Coach to achieve your GOALS in life |
One of my earlier insights came out when I understood the macroeconomic cycle. The economy is a natural phenomenon which occurs to drive and control the economic performance of every trading country. In simple words, the world is the market and the interest of whoever sells and make profits the most will direct the market. These are inevitable and happen by the laws of business and economics cumulatively. The process of an active and lean season of the business world is called the economic cycle. The duration of the cycle is for a decade. It starts with revival and growth which is then followed by a decline. Then the cycle enters the recession period and the cycle continues.
Classification of the economic cycle
- Expansion (increase in production and prices, low-interest rates
- Crisis (stock exchanges crash and multiple bankruptcies of firms occur)
- Recession (drops in prices and output, high interest-rates)
- Recovery (stocks recover because of the fall in prices and incomes)
Unfortunately, it is not the top sellers who drive the economic cycle but the top buyer (except the fuel) does it. In this case the USA.
Since every country in the world is mutually interdependent this becomes the global economic phenomenon that brings balance. Now, in reality, there is an in-authenticity and manipulation in this cycle. The recession and growth are triggered by the accidents or intent of the capitalist lobby and the political influence. Unfortunately, it is not the top sellers who drive the economic cycle but the top buyer (except the fuel) does it. In this case the USA.
Every share market around the world and global economics is orchestrated by a handful of business families which control global politics.
Since these capitalist lobbies are racketeers called as global investors in every share market around the world they benefit by buying more stock at cheap prices in the recession sessions and selling more during the growing season. Every share market around the world and global economics is orchestrated by a handful of business families which control global politics. There are 20+ families who hold global financial structure and more than 80% of them are Jews. Is it shocking?
Do you know that since 1933 the recession in the world economy is triggered and orchestrated by a single country called the USA supported by Israel?
Do you know that since 1933 the recession in the world economy is triggered and orchestrated by a single country called the USA supported by Israel? That’s true! So when your country is in a recession which country would benefit? The country which holds the global currency benefits more, in our case US$. This is the dirtiness of the dollar trade. Let’s explore more in detail. Organically every recession should be followed by 1 year of revival and 1 year of decline before the recession. But you will never notice this duration since 1933 that is post the revival of the New York stock market crash which caused the Great Depression.
The simple reason is that it is inorganic and manipulated. One more is that the revival rate should be more than the recession which too does not happen in reality. The ugly truth is that the global economic cycle is managed by the United States of America. They predict and course correct the growth of other countries to make sure that competitors stay out of the equation. Now in order to understand this insight we need to take a good look at the big picture of the global economy.
During the growth stage of the economic cycle, the countries sell more goods and earn more foreign currency. They then sell the foreign currency (in most cases it is the dollar) and import gold. As per the regular rule of bullion, the gold accumulation by any country which is disproportionate to their GDP is void. You can import only to the limit of your household and economic consumption. As you know India has the largest household gold consumption. So it is inevitable to put a limit to gold import to a country like India as every family invests in gold.
On the other side, there are reinsurance companies which indemnify, underwrites to all the insurance and mutual fund companies. These companies invest back in global banks which are mostly based out of USA & Europe to maximize their returns. The banks invest back by lending it to corporate globally and to support arms and ammunition of NATO countries especially the USA. These loans are not mostly recollected in strict terms as it would result in economic stagnation. In-order to maximize that stakeholder share value these companies invest through a discrete lobby of private investors who are highly influential speculators in the global share market. From there it becomes a game of poker. In the stock market, the investing company’s performance indicators are purely based out of the image rather than the financial result. These speculators usually belong to a category called FDI – Foreign Direct Investors. They are highly networked and know the insight on each company’s performance like cash flow, sales turnover, potential sales, asset value etc. So they start selling the shares of low performers before the situation worsens. They also sell shares when they want a specific category to be trimmed for the stake value. In reality, every stock market index performance is a chain reaction. So when a category leader’s share value goes down then along with it the entire category also shrinks with a low face value or net present value. In turn, the country’s economic performance also goes down when its core category goes down in financial terms.
Now the secret which is not revealed to the world is that the reinsurance companies, the bankers, and the speculators are the same entity or network.
Now the secret which is not revealed to the world is that the reinsurance companies, the bankers, and the speculators are the same entity or network. They will earn only when somebody loses. So in order to retain their wealth, they weaken the economy which has high growth potential to retain dependency of the superpowers. Here when the insurance and mutual fund companies ask to return money from the reinsurance companies to settle returns and claims to their customers then they go back to the bank. Global banks earn money by selling out their gold reserves. But surprisingly these banks are lending and underwriting beyond their current capacity of gold reserves.
USA has practised printing banknotes without any gold reserve to bail out these banks just by printing US Dollar.
At this juncture, the banks go bankrupt automatically. USA has practised printing banknotes without any gold reserve to bail out these banks just by printing US Dollar. In this way, more than 60% of the USA’s wealth lives in a plain printed paper called US dollars. With more than 50 years expertise in this methodology, USA has become an expert in predicting the financial growth maturity of other countries, especially the developing countries and do course correction by this methodology before they rise up. To safeguard their interest they create a superficial oil and gold deficiency and hike the inflation rate. Also, the increase in oil prices creates insufficiency in foreign currency reserves thereby increasing the demand for the US dollar. This, in turn, increases the value for gold and dependency of the USA. So in order to gain petrol by trading in US dollars, they have to surrender the wealth to the USA by selling their goods and commodity at throwaway prices. So the entire global economy lives on the manipulation of a nation, to be specific a few handfuls of families. All these happen at the cost of common man’s sweat and stress across the world.
India & China has a low dependency ratio and will attain economic maturity as the world's greatest superpowers. Hence the 4+ billion people are going to dictate terms to the global economy.
But this unfair trade is going to end soon. Yes. The emergence of BRIC countries and its global bank will break this vicious cycle. The insight behind these BRIC countries is the fact that they hold more than half the world population hence they are the primary market for the next 80 years. India and China alone account for more than 3.5 billion population. India & China has a low dependency ratio and will attain economic maturity as the world's greatest superpowers. Hence the 4+ billion people are going to dictate terms to the global economy.
This also means that India will be the country with high disposable income, earning potential, Gross Domestic Product, Gross National Product and productivity. It will make India be the top of the league soon.
The other move which will occur soon when an independent currency of BRIC nations become a reality. In the face of this transformation, the global superpowers will tumble and crumble.
The other golden news is that India has more than 65% of its population under 30 years and hold the world’s youngest population with low dependency ratio. This also means that India will be the country with high disposable income, earning potential, Gross Domestic Product, Gross National Product and productivity. It will make India be the top of the league soon. And there exists a higher chance for us to replace the USA from the superpower spot. All it takes is the structural correction in the judicial and political ecosystem. The other move which will occur soon when an independent currency of BRIC nations become a reality. In the face of this transformation, the global superpowers will tumble and crumble.