" USA customers MDS RIP RAP TROMMELS are closer than you think"
MDS International the No 1 leader in heavy duty rock trommels are pleased to announce our products are available and promoted in USA through the following distribution channels, for Armour Rock, Rip Rap and general Quarry clean up. So big organisations like Old Castle, Vulcan and Martin Marietta get in touch below, with your local distributor for the No 1. Rock Trommel Range. Our machines can do from 250TPH - 1000TPH and take upto a 1.3metre rock, perfect for Quarry and Sea defence projects, call for a quote.
POWERSCREEN MID ATLANTIC - NC, SC , Virginia, W.Virginia....... Andrew Coney 336-813-223
POWERSCREEN OF FLORIDA - Florida, Georgia and Central America and Carribean ...Rafael 863-559-9298
McCOURTS PORTABLE SCREENS - Texas , New Mexico, Missouri, Louisiana....Colin Keane ....512-663-1528
POWERSCREEN OF CALIFORNIA & HAWAII - Paul Campbell 415-519-0956
BISON IRON - Seattle , Alberta, British Columbia, Liam Quinn 403-988-2922
POWERSCREEN N.ENGLAND- New York, New Jersey, Boston- Seamus Sheenan 860-305-5311
Check out UTUBE Videos plus visit www.mds-int.net
The Worlds Largest mobile Rock Trommel @ 120 Tonnes going to Gallaghers in London .........
We are looking for distributors in other US states plus Eastern Canada and Alaska.....get in touch [email protected]