? From time immemorial , there have been no occasion, when there? was universal peace in the world, without one region fighting against another? or clash between groups of people.?
While? there have been phenomenal development in science and technology, ?material affluence and betterment of physical comforts ?for people over the years , the mental state of people have not undergone any change for better. Historically and as described in several epics , the human relations have been marked by jealousy, greed, hatred and violent prone activities in the past and situation is no different today.? While? several saints and scholars have been advocating? noble thoughts and love and compassion as? well as peace ?amongst people to usher in happiness around the world, the ground reality is that such voice of saner people have made no real impact and seem to have gone with the wind.
With ?USA ?and ?aggressive Donald Trump taking over as the President of USA and China with its territorial greed and expansionist ambitions , competing with USA ?to emerge as the most powerful super power in the world , certainly world peace is likely to go for a toss .
China’s super power ambitions :
China has not concealed its territorial greed and its ambition to dominate the world by fair or foul means , with the clear objective of emerging as super power over the claims of USA.
As part of its strategies , China is following sort of stick and carrot policy. It has taken over a peaceful country ?Tibet by aggressions? several decades back and is now ruling Tibet with vice like grip.? It is occupying thousands of kilometres of Indian territory and is? claiming ownership of South China Sea and? Senkaku Island? resulting in conflict with Philippines, Japan and other countries.? China is threatening to invade Taiwan constantly ?and? the US support for Taiwan is the only reason that China is not waging war against Taiwan.
Now, ?China ?has announced that it proposes to construct a new dam over the Brahmaputra river in Tibet, creating huge concern in India about the exact nature and impact of the dam on India as a lower? riparian nation. India says that if the dam would be constructed , the Brahmaputra eco system will become completely fragile? and the ??eco system that thrives on Brahmaputra will reduce by 60%. . Obviously, China does not care about India’s concern,.
Apart from such militant postures, China is also extending its influence over the weak nations ??by? launching economic corridor projects, with financial assistance and ?execution support from China and in the process ?driving these nations into severe debt crisis? and thus enabling China to have a stranglehold over these countries.
In all such strategies , China has clear intention and target for dominating the world and establishing itself as the world’s most powerful super power.
USA’s strategies to maintain its super power status :
In the last several decades, obviously, USA has been considering itself as the nation with authority to police the world.
USA ?has been interfering in the affairs of almost every nation in one form or the other occasionally or frequently. It has its military bases in several regions across the world and many critics of USA have said that “ deep state” in USA has been responsible for unseating one government or the other in number of countries. USA has been sending its troops to fight against those whom it considers as threats to USA’s dominance.?
Until recently, it was thought that USA’s ambition is confined to maintain its super power status but not territorial greed. However, with the US President elect Trump already stating that Panama should be taken over by USA even by aggression if necessary and Canada too should be part of USA , USA now is no different from China with regard to its territorial greed.
President elect Trump has already stated more than once that he would impose ?tariffs against the import of goods from China to USA and in the process would try to?? adversely impact the economy of China. It remains to be seen how China would react to such conditions and in any case, tariff war between China and?? USA would become the talk of the day in the coming months.
Super power rivalry at the cost of world peace :
Whether admitted by USA or not, most ??nations in the world now view China as a super power.
In the last few decades, China has made spectacular progress in industrial and economic growth , in technology development ?, strengthening of military power and so on. China’s strong position in the world arena cannot anymore be overlooked or ignored? and China’s role in every world event is likely to be watched and may be even decisive in the near future.
With Russia ?and Western Europe? falling behind China and USA in several fronts? due to various reasons in recent years , the super power conflict between China and USA will mar the peace in one part of the world or other .
While it is unlikely that there would be direct military conflict between USA and China as it would be mutually destructive , there would be economic and other subtle form of war between both these countries, with other nations as well as UNO? watching the developing scenario with concern and helplessness.
What is noteworthy is that while USA is a democratic country , China has totalitarian regime but the type of governance has not resulted in any difference in their ?attitude and approach to other countries? while keeping their own self interest as the priority.
All? said and done, the peace in the world would continue to be a question mark now and in future , as it has been so in the past.
Nandini Voice for the Deprived
Email:- [email protected]