USA Advisory: Export & Import Service Delays
Vessels continue to be pushed further off the proforma schedule causing blank sailings, along with port congestion and the continuous increase of import volume within the past two years has affected operations in almost all areas of the country.
Terminals Updates:
Most terminals were closed on Tuesday, July 4thth due to Independence Day Holiday. Please expect delays.
U.S. East Coast:
? NY/NJ - Vessel waiting time is up to 1 day.
? Import Dwell time at APM terminal is up to 1 day.
? Norfolk – Vessel waiting time is up to 2 days.
U.S. Southeast:
? Savannah – Vessel waiting time is up to 3 days.
? Charleston - Vessel waiting time up to 1 day.
? Miami/Port Everglades – Vessel waiting time up to 2 day.
U.S. Gulf Coast:
? Houston – Vessel waiting time is up to 2 days.
U.S. West Coast:
Most terminals were closed on Tuesday, July 4thth due to Independence Day Holiday and Wednesday, July 5th due to Bloody Thursday Holiday . Please expect delays.
? Los Angeles/ Long Beach – Vessel waiting time up to 4 days.
? Seattle – Vessel waiting time up to 3 days.
? Oakland – Vessel waiting time up to 3 days.
Rail updates:
? BNSF – Rail ramp is currently experiencing congestion in Chicago, Columbus, and Los Angeles. There are delays in picking-up and delivering containers at these locations.
? UP/LAX/LGB – Rail ramp is currently experiencing congestion in Los Angeles. There are delays in picking-up and delivering containers at this location.
Equipment Availability:
Due to persistent congestion nationwide, chassis shortages continue to be observed resulting in potential delays for pick up and delivery.