U.S. Worker Confidence Reaches Highest Level Ever
The U.S. Worker Confidence Index (WCI) reached its highest level ever in Q4 2023, following three quarters of decline. The survey, which is commissioned by HRO Today magazine and Yoh, has been measuring four key aspects of worker confidence — perceived job security, perceived likelihood of a promotion, perceived likelihood of a raise, and overall trust in company leadership — for nearly 10 years.
Three of the four aspects — perceived likelihood of a promotion, perceived likelihood of a raise, and overall trust in company leadership — increased in Q4 2023. Perceived job security fell slightly, but is still up from the year before.
“The talent market across the U.S. continues to defy expectations with positive jobs reports from the Department of Labor, and the Worker Confidence Index, after months where employees remained uneasy about their careers, finally bounced back and reflected the positivity seen across other economic evaluators. That’s good news for employees and employers alike,” Emmett McGrath, president of Yoh, said in a press release. “While it’s never a bad time to build out candidate pools, investing in talent acquisition is especially critical during times of high worker satisfaction. Showing employees that leadership recognizes the value of talent in enabling growth is key to ensuring current teams aren’t being overworked and getting burnt out.”
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