Us v's Them. A lesson in conflict.
Michael Scales
Polymath, Lateral Thinker, Catalyst of change & Entrepreneurial, I think with my whole self, not just my head.
Us v’s Them
Turning something beautiful into a mindset for conflict.
This SHIT has to STOP. (SHIT: Stuff Hindering Intelligent Thought)(STOP: To Cease, Immediately)
Diversity in the animal world - True
And so diverse we cannot count them.
Diversity of people - also true
And every single one is unique.
Diversity of human brains?
No two brains are alike, ‘BUT’ . . .
Here comes the big lie ‘we have brain types’. & more? Did you forget the gay type (I’ll give you a clue, it’s the pink one) & the American 1st nations (the red 1) or an Australian aboriginal type, that's black.
Think I’m being funny? Trust me I ain’t laughing.
This was my reaction -?
Interesting graphic Daniel Sobel however the descriptive of diversity of human brains ?? is contradictory & misleading. Neuro-Cognitive/Cerebral Diversity ought simply state “No two brains are alike”. There is no such thing as brain types. This is BS, unscientific & pandering to influencer hype. “No Buts”. Have you got names(labels) for those of us who have 2 or more of these trait clusters(diagnosis)? Do you name them according to most dominant, & how do you categorise dominance? Or are we excluded?
Ok, this was a repost. Yet no recognition from the author, simply dismissed. I'm used to that, after all I think differently.
Cleverly done who ever created this. Have 2 truths followed by a lie makes the lie look like a truth by association.
And yet the support for it was shocking. ‘Spot on’, ‘That’s a great poster’ even ‘This poster should be in all schools’.
The really disturbing thing about this is it’s being created to teach children. This turns my stomach. What future do we want, especially for the youth
Look at the poster again.
‘Teacher, does the blue brain come with the red hair, I’ve got red hair, which brain do I have?’
Or in the playground kids teasing ‘Hah hah (any name), you got a yellow brain cause you got dark skin. Means your autistic.’?
Inclusion experts? Seriously, I wonder what your definition of inclusion is if this crap fits with it.
Now add another of the big lies, also perpetrated on kids, “the dyslexic brain has ‘Super Powers’.” Oh and I’ve heard the same for ADHD brains. Could be a fight for who’s right on that front.
Get ready to be called to school because your child just got into a fight with another kid who chose to push back at being belittled for having a typical brain.
Or heading to the hospital because your kid just got beaten up after weeks of bullying at the hands of the ‘typical’ who feel threatened by exclusion & feel powerless to deal with it.
Hey! Not the kids fault, after all, these typical kids feel justified because their parents are telling them it’s not true, they’re just as special, or worse, it’s just a lie they tell them because they're disabled, or something even worse.
The problem with the little white lie (bullshit, it ain’t little) is it sets up greater v’s lesser, or your strength comes at the cost of another’s weakness.
What? You didn’t consider they may push back.
Isn’t that what happens when you create US v’s THEM.
So what tints your glasses to perceive this shit is Ok?
Do you justify it with ‘my kid has suffered so now they’ll know what it feels like and change their ways’.
More bloody trauma!!!!
Or are you sooo into this cult thinking that you belong to the church of ‘I am autistic’, you become aggressive at those who prefer ‘I have autism’ and rant with your justification for your overtly emotional response. Look & you will see it on this platform. An us v’s them in what you would think is the same camp. Different tribes I guess.
Here’s where us v’s them ends up . . . in conflict instead of co-operation & inclusion.
All you peddling this rubbish seriously need to rethink things. Those of you doing good work in the shadow of this divisive, exclusionist rhetoric can continue to ignore it & rationalise it, easy done because you have been successful & all things are rosy, that you're right in what you're doing. Don’t look down from your arrogant heights because eventually you’ll get a glimpse of the ones that didn’t fit into your exclusive club, your church of exclusion or your cult for the fight against the enemy typical.
And you wonder why I look at you and see nothing much more than a continuation of the status quo, the self interest, the commercialisation and the existing systems that keep the status quo in place.
For those in the education industry, yes it is an industry, ugly yet true, the trauma to the children of this world will continue.
For those in the business world, demand better because what you’ll get under these falsehoods is only a fraction of the really good shit possible with a truthful & inclusive understanding of neurodiversity.
Neurodiversity; its more than just the brain & a whole lot more than just psychology/psychiatry.
Neurocerebral diversity; the actual diversity of the brain and
Neurocognitive diversity; the diversity of the expression of the brain & all its collaboration with the rest of the body. It's amazing stuff. Just remember . . .
"Nothing exists in isolation, & Everything is connected'.
I live in hope that the rise of Not for Profit organisations like the Institute for Neurodiversity ION,, lead by Charlotte Valeur, Chromodiversity Foundation, lead by Elliot Polak, & others show the way for new model/s in education, business, communication, information & living with others, community.
We need a place for protection against vested interests, ego, commercialism & capitalism.?
Because diversity truly is beautiful.
. . . a wonder of nature, essential for the sustainability of life itself.
& Conflict destroys all of it.
Author, Blogger, Speaker, Consultant, Educator, Top 50 Global Neurodiversity Evangelists 2023
2 年No question that we are all different, each with a special mission in life, and conflict is detrimental.
CEO My XXY | Chromodiversity Foundation ? Top 50 Global Neurodiversity Evangelist
2 年Thank you Michael Scales for your passion to call out the putting of people into boxes, and pointing us back up to the North Star of unbound diversity.
Educator. Speaker. Author of the book Reversed: A Memoir
2 年Well said, Michael!! We need to show the alternative-however, many don’t want to see it!!