Cashbox Global
Predictable growth & income investments delivering 10-14% annually in USD, GBP or Euro, from the world’s strongest banks
A cheeky stocking filler to round off the year.
This LOW HURDLE Growth Note has the potential to mature early or Autocall from 6 months if the underlying stocks are at 95% of their issue price, and with the Glider Feature … at 12 months, once off, this threshold drops to 60% making it easier to bank a 23% return in 12 months.
We have seen a marked increase in the popularity of these Low Hurdle Autocall structures?in 2024.
The pedigrees of the Companies in the reference basket have?been proven in their quarterly earnings which have driven valuations YTD and, from even further back, to higher levels.? These Companies are: Amazon Inc, Microsoft Corp, Nvidia Corp, and Tesla Inc.
Their dominance in US tech and globally is undisputed, supporting the $23% pa target return. As always, we have included deep capital protection and an A-rated G-SIB bank as the issuer.
? The return is limited to the pre-defined investment terms.
? The coupon payment is conditional on the performance of the Underlying stocks.
? Investors will be exposed to the credit risk of the Issuer. If the Issuer becomes insolvent or cannot make the payments on the Product for any other reason, investors could lose some or all of their investment.
A decline in the Issuer's credit quality is likely to reduce the market value of the Product and therefore the price an investor may receive for the Product if they were to sell them in the market.
? Should investors need to sell their investment before maturity, the trading price will likely mean they get back less than they invested.
? There is a higher risk of large or total capital losses when Underlyings are individual Company Stocks rather than Stock Market Indices.
? There is a risk to capital should one of the Underlyings breach the Capital Protection Barrier on its Final Observation.
? Are seeking the opportunity for higher returns than current cash rates at the time this
product was launched.
? Are seeking growth rather than income.
? Understand and accept there is a risk to capital and how the Capital Protection Barrier works.
? Understand the impact of global economic issues and how they may affect the product.
? Are looking to invest for the medium to long term, being happy to remain invested until
? Can afford to have their cash invested for the full term of the Product.
? Wish to use this investment as part of a well-diversified portfolio.
? Understand that the returns are pre-defined and that they will forgo any growth in the
Underlyings that exceed the fixed level available with this investment.
? Understand that they own the contract, not shares in the underlying basket.
? Understand the risk to capital in the event of a counterparty default.
? Should they need to sell their investment, accept that the trading price will likely mean they
get back less than they invested.
You can read more here: RATIONALE
Investors need a custodial platform to invest in a Cashbox Global Structured Note. A custodial platform is a regulated trading or stockbroking platform. If you don’t have one, you would need to open an account. Visit our website for a list of popular options used by our investor community.
Cashbox Global is platform agnostic and the account is in your name. We do not have sight or control of the account. We never touch any investor’s funds. You are in complete control.
STEP 1 – Notify us by email that you would like to invest using [email protected].
STEP 2 - We will send you the ISIN Number (International Securities Identification Number)
STEP 3 - Instruct your trading platform to execute the trade into the structured note on your behalf.
Cashbox Global will keep you informal all along the way.
Once the note issues we notify you of the start prices of the underlying basket, and each quarter, until maturity, we will send you a notification on the performance of your note.
Education is important to us and in addition to the quarterly notifications we provide ongoing support, refresher education, and information relevant to structured note investing.
We also keep you updated on new products.
This document has been prepared for information purposes only by Cashbox Global.
It is important that you read this document in full in conjunction with the Fact Sheet available on our website
The information within this document is not advice nor should it be considered so as Cashbox Global does not provide advice as to whether this investment is suitable for you.
This investment opportunity has limited capacity.
The opportunity will close early if full capacity is reached before the stated subscription closing date!
The underlying shares in the basket are used for reference purposes only. You do not own the shares.
For more information, email [email protected].
Take Care