U.S. Supreme Court Pushes Back at The Deep State… Will Artificial Intelligence Wipe Out Conservative Thought?... And More!
I. U.S. Supreme Court Pushes Back at The Deep State
We’ve all heard a lot about the Deep State over the past eight years. Depending on the source, the Deep State conspired to cover up Hillary Clinton’s private server loaded with TOP SECRET information that she kept in a spare bathroom in her home in Chappaqua, New York. Then the Deep State conducted the fake Russian collusion hoax against Donald Trump that paralyzed his presidency for three years until COVID came along and paralyzed it for the fourth and final year. The Deep State covered up the Hunter Biden laptop story until after the 2020 election was over. The Deep State organized the letter that claimed the Biden laptop was “Russian disinformation” and was signed by 51 prominent intelligence community officials. The letter was a lie, but that’s not surprising because intelligence officials lie for a living. Now, the Deep State is busy trying to derail Trump’s comeback with a criminal trial in New York City where even left-wing lawyers can’t tell you what crime is involved. (Answer: there is no crime. It’s just a political show trial). Wow, that Deep State sure has been busy. But is there really a Deep State in terms of an organized effort or are we just dealing with a series of politically motivated attacks by diverse bureaucrats acting out of spite? The Deep State is real, but it’s not a small conspiracy that meets in a secret chamber once a month to work out its next mission. Instead, it’s a sprawling web of boring bureaucrats spread out among hundreds of agencies in thousands of locations with a shared belief that they need to protect their jobs, increase their pay and power, and attack anyone who stands in their way or threatens their positions. The members of the Deep State do not have to coordinate across the government. They operate in small groups, agency by agency, with diverse goals. What keeps them together is a view that they know more than you do, they are the real experts, and they have a right to tell you what to do. If it means an end to gas stoves, internal combustion engines and fireplaces, they just order it done; they don’t care what you think. They don’t care what voters think. They just pursue the agenda. When you have a large group of like-minded individuals, you don’t need a conspiracy. They act in unison without prompting because they hate Trump, hate freedom, and hate anyone who stands in their way. Finally, some pushback has begun as described?here. In a recent opinion involving the pandemic, Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch said “Executive officials across the country issued emergency decrees on a breathtaking scale” during the pandemic, and this amounted to one of “the greatest intrusions on civil liberties” in our history. Gorsuch went on to write, “Courts should not be in the business of perpetuating administrative edicts designed for one emergency only because elected officials have failed to address a different emergency.” This opinion is welcome news even if it addresses only one small part of the Deep State’s fascist policies. Let’s hope it’s the beginning of the end of the Deep State dictatorship.
II. Will The 2024 Election Be a Replay Of 2020?
Most Americans interested in politics are still replaying the 2020 presidential election in their heads even as we stumble our way into the 2024 presidential election cycle. What happened in 2020 was a landmark in election rigging, even though it has been swept under the rug by mainstream media and most of the political class. The U.S. does not have national elections for president. Instead, we have 50 state elections, which produce electors who then vote for president in early December. A candidate only needs to win enough states with combined electoral votes of 270 or more, and you become the president. Most of the states are not really competitive. California and New York go more or less automatically to the Democrat. Texas and Florida are reliable states for the Republicans. In fact, there are only about ten states that are truly close. The winner doesn’t even have to take all ten of those states. If you can get just five with the right combination of electoral votes, you win. When you look at those five – Arizona, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan – you can see that those five states are dominated by five cities – Phoenix, Atlanta, Philadelphia, Milwaukee, and Detroit. If you can run up big margins in those five cities, you win the five states and the election. Except for landslides, which we haven’t had since 1988, nothing else matters. And all five of those cities (and all of the states except Georgia) are controlled by Democrats and their political machines. That gives the Democrats a huge political edge and, in part, accounts for why they have won three of the last four presidential elections. They have padded their advantage with pandemic-related rule changes including early voting, mail-in ballots, no voter ID, drop boxes, and ballot harvesting (which is illegal in some states but continues under the euphemism “ballot assistance”). All of these techniques are touted under the banner of increased voter access but are really designed to facilitate cheating. In 2020, the cheating was obvious. Many “mail-in” ballots were increased, which means they were never mailed but came straight from a printer. Some ballots were uncounted and just stashed away. Some machines were programmed so they could not process the same size paper the ballots were printed on; those ballots were also discarded. Ballot harvesting in Wisconsin was greatly amplified by over $250 million in contributions from Mark Zuckerberg and his cronies. The courts are really not interested in adjudicating any of this. They believe it’s a separation of powers issue and it’s up to voters to throw out crooked election officials on their own. That’s difficult when the election officials are elected, and those elections are rigged too. The question for 2024 is whether any of this has changed. Have the Republicans improved their game? Are Republicans ready to get into the “ballot assistance” game in a big way or do they just sit around and complain? This?article?suggests the latter. The author says that the combination of Democrat machines in key localities, favorable treatment from legacy media, and the lack of involvement by the courts add up to a built-in advantage that could help the Democrats win another presidential election in 2024 and perhaps keep the Senate and take back the House. The Republicans have a lot of good talking points including immigration, drugs, crime, and sexual grooming in the elementary schools. The problem is most voters don’t know much about any of these trends because of media blackouts on coverage that support Republican views. The article also looks at phony “fact checkers” that lend credibility to allegations that are in fact highly disputed. The Republicans are going to have to move fast and in a sophisticated way if they want to counter these built-in Democrat advantages. The article suggests that it may already be too late.
III. Will Artificial Intelligence Wipe Out Conservative Thought?
Conservatives have an uphill battle in the political arena these days. The legacy media is dominated by left-wing commentary that excludes contrary views. Regardless of whether Democrats or Republicans occupy the White House, the Deep State will pursue its own agenda, which is generally hostile to conservative views. Even the Republican Party has its share of moderates who have sympathy for Democrat policies. This is the basis for the idea of a Uniparty that pushes more spending regardless of which political party is in charge. An entire generation indoctrinated in neo-Marxist ideology including “diversity, equity, and inclusion” are now gaining powerful positions in universities, think tanks, investment management firms, and other institutions that provide platforms for the progressive agenda. Can things get any worse for conservatives? Actually, yes. This?article?looks at the idea that artificial intelligence and apps like ChatGPT can be programmed to suppress conservative views and promote the same left-wing ideology we encounter in every other media channel. In particular, the writer points to Google as using artificial intelligence (AI) to create a “digital god” that will promote what it calls “truth” to all internet users. Real intellects understand that truth is something you pursue but it cannot be dispensed on command from a pre-trained computer. Still, that is something Google wants you to believe and unfortunately, many people will go along with that view. Other AI programs can look at your online choices, reading habits, clubs, and other aspects of your social profile and monitor your facial expressions and voice patterns in order to synthetically “map” your mind and target you for propaganda. This list of such techniques goes on. These AI advances would be bad enough if they were used by conservatives and progressives alike to advance their agendas. That is not the case. The people who control the AI systems overwhelmingly favor the progressive agenda. Their goal is to make conservative thought obsolete or drive it underground. The best way to fight this brainwashing is through education. But the progressives have already taken over the education system using radical teacher’s unions and progressive boards of education to indoctrinate youth before they even get to use computers. Is it too late to push back on the AI propaganda machine? No, but it’s getting dangerously close. A few billionaires like Peter Thiel and Elon Musk have sounded the alarm. Some liberal writers have taken up the cause (perhaps because they sense that AI may make them obsolete too). And AI systems sometimes make themselves look ridiculous by inventing facts to make their output sound true. Subject matter experts can point out those failures. This helps to undermine the blind faith in AI and GPT that many seem to have. Still, it’s an uphill battle. The best tool is a real education in critical thinking, science, math, and history – if you can still find it.
IV. The Net Zero Alliance Is Falling Apart. It’s Happening None Too Soon.
The climate change movement has always been more about alarmism and propaganda than real science. There is no evidence that human-caused CO2?emissions have a material impact on climate. The real drivers of climate change are solar cycles, volcanoes, ocean currents (including subduction of warmer, saltier water under cold water), and other natural forces that are beyond the control of humans. Climate does change but it happens over centuries and millennia for reasons that have nothing to do with automobiles, power generation, and natural gas stoves. The United Nations “models” that predict climate catastrophe are so deficient they can’t even back-test correctly using known data, let alone forecast. The models are riddled with erroneous assumptions and ignore feedback loops that tend to mitigate the forecasted crisis. With all of this baggage, one would have thought the climate alarm movement would have collapsed amid ridicule long ago. That has not happened because of the array of powerful non-scientific entities such as the World Economic Forum, the EU bureaucracy, the White House, and the complaint (and not so bright) media who keep banging the drum about an “existential threat” that does not really exist. Still, there are some rays of hope that the climate scam may be falling under its own weight. One of the most powerful institutions created to promote the climate scam is called the Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero (GFANZ), led by known climate propagandists like Michael Bloomberg, Mark Carney (head of three central banks), and Mary Shapiro (a reliable Bloomberg apparatchik and former head of the SEC, CFTC and Finra). GFANZ is designed to force the financial industry to push the climate alarm agenda by de-funding energy companies and promoting Green New Scam technologies. GFANZ operates through so-called “alliances” that target specific industries. One such alliance is the Net-Zero Insurance Alliance (NZIA), designed to force insurance companies to deny insurance to oil and natural gas companies among others. Now, as reported?here, the insurance company members of NZIA are running for the exits. Seven members of NZIA have quit the alliance in recent months, including five of the eight founding signatories and the alliance chair. Companies quitting the NZIA include giants such as AXA, Alliance, and SCOR. The reasons for quitting were mainly political. U.S. state attorneys general from 23 states have warned the NZIA members that their activities may violate federal and state antitrust laws. If the attorneys general moved forward with those cases, it could result in billions of dollars in damages against the NZIA members and possible break-up of the companies. Shareholder lawsuits for damages against the company directors would not be far behind. GFNAZ and its alliances were always a scam, part of the larger climate scam. Everyday Americans should thank the attorneys general for helping to stop the scam in its tracks.
V. Who Needs Fake Ballots and Election Cheating When Google’s On Your Side?
There has been a lot of coverage of election manipulation in the form of ballot harvesting, drop boxes, mail-in ballots, rigged machines, and supposed mail-in ballots that were never mailed but printed en masse and delivered by the truckload. But it turns out that none of that may be needed to rig elections when the most powerful voter manipulation tool is right in front of you now – the computer screen. It seems that Google is using its role as a near-monopoly search engine to rig search results to align with its radical progressive worldview. One study described in this?article?estimates that 6 million votes were shifted from Donald Trump to Joe Biden through the use of biased algorithms that skewed search results to links favorable to Biden and negative to Trump. Google’s own “Get Out the Vote” messages on its home page were targeted at Democrats and largely ignored the Republicans. Such biased programming is bad enough in individual instances, but when it’s repeated search after search, day after day, for months and even years leading up to an election, the result is a kind of brainwashing that steers the voter to one party and away from the other. For Google, that one party is the Democratic Party, especially its more radical and fringe elements. Interestingly, research shows that only 38% of videos in cyberspace are liberal. But Google search results for adults are 76% liberal. The results for children are 96% liberal. Those figures show how bad the skew is. Will anyone hold the gurus at Google responsible for such biased programming designed to indoctrinate everyone from young minds to mature voters? Probably not. Because Google has a giant Washington DC operation that spreads huge amounts of campaign dollars around to both parties. That’s too bad because we all have to live with the results of a search engine designed by ideologues who think they’re God.
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1 年Listen in to this week’s episode of Branding Bud Live as Eric Mercado, CPA, Founder and COO of Terpli.io joins co-hosts, David Paleschuck and Adriana Hemans to unravel the synergies between cannabis and AI. Some of the topics we’ll cover are: ? ? Can AI truly revolutionize the way we consume cannabis? ? Will it help develop personalized dosage recommendations? ? Will it be able to correlate cannabinoids to benefits and effects? ? ???Find the link here to this week’s episode??? https://www.dhirubhai.net/video/event/urn:li:ugcPost:7069032816830779392/ ? Branding Bud Live – weekly productive distractions for the cannabis industry, where business people come to talk about the business of cannabis.