On March 11, 2024, I published a book titled?EMPIRICAL ALGORITHM FOR PROBLEM-SOLVING AND PROACTIVE DECISION-MAKING. This book provides a practical framework for solving problems, using a?science-based data-driven approach, backed by physical and spiritual laws. The most important aspect of problem-solving, which this book tackles so effectively, is knowing the problem and locating its root cause before attempting to solve it. Two of the case studies in the book are based on the political situations in the United States of America and Nigeria.

The data used in the case study on America traced the root cause of American political problems to White Evangelical Christians. The problem started in 1979, when Jerry Falwell Sr, a Baptist minister, formed a political organization and movement, known as the Moral Majority. Fawell, with other conservative evangelical and fundamentalist Christian leaders, which included?Pat Robertson?and?James Dobson, cemented an alliance between the Republican Party and the White Evangelical Christians. This alliance eventually turned the?White Evangelical church into the religious wing of the Republican Party, to team up with far-right militant groups, such as the Ku Klux Klan (KKK), which were already acting as the military wing of the Republican Party. This is how the White Evangelicals gradually poisoned and muddied the water of American politics to bring the country to where it is today.

This is not a religious book of prophecies. It is a science-based book that employs an algorithmic data analytic approach to identifying and solving any type of problem. However, the outcome of the 2024 American Presidential election, and the events that might follow, could turn everything this book has forecasted about America into an unstoppable prophecy. Here is an?excerpt from the book:

The church believes that the American problem is caused by the abandonment of its credo as a Christian nation. However, they erroneously believe that the solution lies in condemning, demonizing, and fighting those who do not share their views, using carnal weapons. That approach can only lead to rebellion and an increase in unrighteousness. This is, precisely, what is happening in America today.

What I have written here is not even enough to serve as a fitting summary of the division and instability the White Evangelicals have unleashed on the American system. Perhaps, Russel Moore’s book, LOSING OUR RELIGION: AN ALTAR CALL FOR EVANGELICAL AMERICA might be quite helpful.

The path to America’s reconciliation and recovery will become narrower and grimmer if Donald Trump wins the 2024 presidential election. Donald Trump may as well be to the Western Alliance what Boris Yeltsin was to the former Soviet Union. This will be the sweet revenge Putin has been looking forward to, and it will also usher in the New World Order Putin has been craving. However, this new world will be most frightening and perilous to everyone on earth, including Americans and tongue-speaking Evangelicals.

One of the most important spiritual laws of nature I want you to be familiar with while solving your problem is the Law of Recompense for Sins (Romans 6:23). According to this law, the work we do attracts either the wage of death or life. Death is the remuneration we receive for every work of evil we carry out in this world—the death of hopes, death of peace, death of love, death of dreams, death of visions, and the physical death of our senses and body. If you steal or kill to solve your poverty or hunger problem, do not expect to live a long, healthy, and peaceful life.

This is where the people of the United States who are stomping for Mr. Donald Trump need to be cautious. Donald Trump and his Evangelical backer have trampled on some fundamental spiritual laws in their campaign to win the 2024 Presidential election. The consequences will come, and they will be unpleasant—not only for Donald Trump but also for the entire country—if Donald Trump becomes the President of the United States. However, in the unlikely event of Mr. Trump winning the 2024 US Presidential election, it will be a sign that God has endorsed America’s decline (unless there is genuine repentance). I am not a prophet; I am stating what the data says. God’s grace is available to mitigate our weakness, but wickedness attracts God’s judgment. Donald Trump and his White Evangelical supporters have done many wicked things.

Inside the book, you will find empirical data and detailed analysis that reveal the root cause and genesis of the deep political division and bitterness in the United States today. Right now, the United States is at a crossroads and in a crosshair of its enemies. If the situation is not addressed properly, the Trump presidency will mark the commencement of America’s grueling descent toward an apocalypse, with Evangelical Christians as the nemesis of a?once great nation.

Please, note that this book was published in March 2024, even before active campaigning for the US Presidential election kicked off. You will also find case studies on Vladimir Putin, and?the?Israel-Hamas-Iran conflicts, among others.

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Policy Analyst & Author

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