The U.S. Iron Curtain.
Franz Kratschmer
Retired at United Nations, Foreign Policy Adviser, Author, Korean Peninsula analyst.
Yes, there was a great relief felt in Europe and the World after the Iron Wall was dismantled at the end of the Cold War in 1991. It was the result of former US President Regan's and his Soviet counterpart Gorbachev's respected political and friendly relationship.. Today, the 3 Musketeers (Trump, Jinping and Putin) seem to face obstacles in meeting each other. Unfortunately, the demilitarized zone (DMZ ) on the Korean Peninsula separating North and South Korea since 1953 has continued to present political unwillingness to solve the issue.
What about "La valla de cortina de hierro" or Iron Curtain between the United States of America and Mexico? No doubt about the Trump administration going to finalize the metal barriers and the deployment of US military units along the border with Mexico. The old Iron Curtain described the political and physical separation of Europe after the end of World War II. The by the United States erected "Cortina de Hierro" mainly serves to avoid mass border crossings by Latin American refugees. Of course, it is business, too.
Have I looked into the wrong crystal ball or misread recent statements by the US President on the likely going up of one Iron Curtain between Canada and the United States? If Canada rejects the US Commander-in-Chief's offer to become the 51st state of his empire then Canada could go its own way.
The international border between the United States and Canada is more than 5,500km long. To avoid illegal border crossings in both directions by constructing barriers must be considered as giant project. Canada being the second largest (landmass) on earth means there is political pent-up demand on the international stage, too. Out of the US umbrella. This means not becoming a state of the US. In this scenario we must understand the disappointment by the US president who definitely will ponder moves affecting Canada. Needless to say that the statements by the incoming Canadian Prime Minister may cause disappointment in the Trump Administration.
Politically seen, we must also include China and Russia observing the ongoing war of words being exchanged by the leaders of the three north American countries. In Canada calls for more independence from the United States are getting louder and louder. Are we going to witness the next political "Ice Age" in North America and some king of new Iron Curtain between the two countries?