U.S. Exports: 97H “Shipment on Hold” Messages
CBP has published a list of FAQs for "Shipment on Hold" messages also known as 97Hs. Let's dive into what these messages are and how to resolve them as well as take a quick look at a few select FAQs from the CBP page.
What are 97H Messages?
The 97H response code is an informational message sent by CBP to inform an Electronic Export Information (EEI) filer that their shipment has been put on hold within Automated Export System (AES). The reason for the hold is either for further inspection or missing documentation.
Resolving 97H Messages
The EEI filer should contact the CBP number provided within the 97H message (ex: “Shipment on Hold Contact CBP xxx-xxx-xxxx”) with their Internal Transaction Number (ITN) for instructions on how to resolve the issue. Filers will be able to export their goods when CBP posts a 97R “Shipment Hold Released” message to the system.
Note: Be sure to inform your carrier/driver to always carry the required EEI and Commercial Invoice to present to CBP at the Port of Export to help avoid having a shipment put on hold.
Select FAQs from CBP:
How will this feature be used by CBP? Who will receive these notices and how will they be transmitted?
Only U.S. Customs and Border Protection Officers (CBPO) can issue. Only the Electronic Export Information (EEI) filer will receive the notification. There is no Secondary Notify Party concept in the Automated Export System Trade Interface Requirements (AESTIR). Depending on the initial EEI filing, 97H and 97R will be transmitted by either email (AESDirect) or EDI message (for EDI submissions).
Will 97H be used by CBP to hold all export shipments they are investigating or plan to inspect?
No, 97H is optional and will be sent to EEI filer at the discretion of the CBPO initiating the hold. Notification will most likely be determined based on the type of merchandise. The CBPO may opt to send a 97H message if they want to notify the EEI filer to stop the shipment at time of export. Other inspection actions, such as non-intrusive exams or a request to provide additional documentation or information, could also be a 97H.
What types of inquiry will drive the 97H holds?
It varies, as holds are at the CBPOs’ discretion based on various factors and information at the time they are issued. Some examples could be, but are not limited to: physical exams of used/new vehicles, Intellectual Property Rights and/or trademark, in bond freight, or vague descriptions of cargo. Holds are typically used to prevent cargo from departing or requesting documents to verify information for other government agencies’ licensing/permit requirements.
Do you know what the EEI filer sees as far as holds if we select the option to notify the EEI Filer?
The EEI filer receives 97H “Shipment on Hold Contact CBP xxx-xxx-xxxx.”
For more information or any questions around trade compliance, reach out to us at [email protected]. Thank you!