U.S. Corporate Giants lost money in Pandemic.
Sergio Retamal
CEO & Founder | "Presidential 'E Star' Award recipient.” 2023 | Presidential "E" Award recipient. 2018 | Industry Leader | Supply Chain Solutions Expert |
A record number of U.S. Corporate Giants lost money in Pandemic.
But they will get support, credit, and help they need. Giants will get zero loans, will issue more shares, delay payments to vendors, get vendors to reduce their prices, and in some cases, lay off people.
You local company, small business, coffee shops, owner-operator hotels, restaurants, small mom, and pop business person if are not dying are on oxygen: and the oxygen is running out.
Small / Local business owners are the ones that hire your kids, spouses, people without a college degree. Small / Local business owners hire women, minorities, LGBTQ, white men, and see them as family. Some business owners will stop paying themselves a salary to make payroll because employees are people we know and love.
Employees are people with family, families which we know - they are not numbers and not just employees.
So the next time you are planning to click online to purchase something. Think about the small/mid-size business that makes your community a better place to live because they are dying with the Pandemic, lack of loans, help, and our liking not to go get up to buy something.
The Pandemic put women, minorities, LGBTQ, uneducated white men at least ten years back on the economic recovery (Crisis of 2008) ... I can only assume this is affecting a spouse, friend, neighbor or yourself.
We can't solve world problems by ourselves, but we can surely buy local and provide support for your community.
PS: I don't have a retail business; I am not asking you to buy from me. I know that small businesses are 70% of the economy and hire most people, and they are dying.
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