The US’ commitment to democracy
By José M. López Sierra
One would expect that the United States (US), being the so-called “champion of democracy” would be the envy of the world. The world, however, regards the US as the biggest threat to peace! The following video is just one example why.
This beautiful US’ propaganda video makes Puerto Ricans look like we are as happy as we could be. Please click on this video to see how much the US government is hiding:
Not too much time was used in this video to explain Puerto Rico’s political status, because the rest of the story is too embarrassing for the US. Julian Assange found out the hard way about embarrassing the US. ?
Today, two thirds of the Puerto Ricans live away from our national territory, and half of those remaining live in poverty. This is not the pretty picture painted by the video!
This horror began with the US militarily invading Puerto Rico 126 years ago to make her its colony. After the failed 1950 Nationalists’ insurrection for Puerto Rico independence, the US decided in 1952 to try to hide its colony by calling it the “Commonwealth of Puerto Rico”. The US convinced the United Nations (UN) in 1953 to remove Puerto Rico from its list of colonies. The UN eventually realized that the US lied, and today holds annual hearings to discuss Puerto Rico decolonization. ?
Colonialism is a crime against humanity. The US is, therefore, willfully committing that crime, by having refused, thus far, 42 UN’s resolutions demanding that it immediately return Puerto Rico’s sovereignty to the Puerto Ricans.
The US has also shown the same attitude with regards to its unconditional support of the artificial colonial settler regime of Israel in its genocide against the indigenous people of Palestine. How different is that reality video from the Puerto Rico propaganda one!
The US is only committed to imperialism now tomorrow and forever!