Will U.S. box-office numbers return to pre-pandemic levels? Is the emergence of a 'Movie Season' possible?
Phillip Nakov
Strategic Marketing, Advertising & Publicity Leader | Driving Brand Growth in Entertainment, Hospitality & Media
Very good news indeed! The storied and ancient (93 years old for LA is ancient, practically pre-historic!) Nuart Theater (owned by Landmark Theaters) is set for a facelift and a rejuvenation. Words all too familiar in this image-obsessed town I call home.
I am so happy that Landmark is taking care of this older movie house, ensuring it remains for future generations to enjoy.
But, it seems to me, that movie-going en masse may become an "event experience" and go back to the days of tent-pole experiences or we may see an emergence of a "movie season" much like a season in sports, ballet or opera today. I don't see large numbers of people paying $20+ each to go to the movies for films they can enjoy on their 70" 4k TVs at home. Now, I am NOT in favor of this. Just speaking theoretically and based on what I am seeing about the majority of movies and by the actions of many people across the US.
In this new world, a slate of films will open and run during a window of exhibition (aka, The Movie Season) and then the theaters will remain dark. Or, they can be used for meetings, prayer groups, plays, etc. Because of the shift in how people enjoy entertainment these days, (due to the pandemic, economics and advances in audio visual technology) I don't envision large amounts of patrons returning to the cineplexes in numbers large enough to support the 100s of multi-plexes built in the past decade. A return to smaller numbers of theaters (like the Nuart, which is a single screen) or to triplexes, will be sufficient to serve the smaller movie going audience. The tent-pole, big-screen pictures will make up the "Movie Season" window, the rest of the films will find themselves on streaming platforms nationally. Should a film break out as a hit, there may be the rare few who will make the leap to the big screen.
But, for the vast number of feature films arriving monthly, the majority will be seen on personal screens in private homes. A few will make the cut for Movie Season and the rest... will, as always struggle, to find a home.
Thoughts? Can the movie industry bounce back? Will it? (To pre-Pandemic numbers.) Or, are $20 movie seats too dear a price to pay for the non-event films? Will the 20-screen multi-plexus go by the way of the dodo? Again, I do NOT advocate movies at home. I love me a movie in the theater with my $12 popcorn and $8 bottles of water. But what we LOVE and what is possible, are not always aligned... especially in this new cost-conscious post-pandemic world.
Love to hear your thoughts and insight? Agree? Disagree?
Read the article that inspired me: