US blasts Union Pacific on safety | Malaysia plans to ban rare earth exports | Canada Bread banned from federal contracts
In today's Portfolio Intelligence Daily, where we highlight under the radar investment themes and idiosyncratic company risks:
Auquan’s analyst team curates these summaries from our intelligence engine, which uses retrieval augmented generation (RAG AI) to uncover unique insights at scale, typically involving emerging markets, supply chains, financially-material ESG risks, and the impact of regulatory changes.
US blasts Union Pacific on safety
Union Pacific, the nation's largest freight railroad carrier, was sharply criticized by federal regulators on Friday for its poor maintenance of its fleet, furloughing of train maintenance workers, and allowing managers to pressure inspectors to stop their efforts in order to keep freight moving.
“The compliance of the rolling stock (freight cars and locomotives) on the UP network is poor and UP was unwilling or unable to take steps to improve the condition of their equipment.” — Amit Bose, Administrator of the Federal Railroad Administration (source)
“Until these railroads say they are done with PSR, this is what we're going to get. There's no community safe from these defects and dangerous situations. UP will have their East Palestine soon unless they correct these issues and return to a normal maintenance program.” — Randy Fannon, a national vice president for the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen (source)
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Tags: #railroadsafety #railroads #FRA #workplacesafety #unionpacific?
Malaysia plans to ban rare earth exports
Malaysia plans to implement export bans on rare earth elements to prevent resource exploitation and ensure maximum returns for the country, according to Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim's statement in parliament on Monday.
"Detailed mapping of rare earth elements and an overall picture of a business model combining upstream, midstream and downstream industries will be developed to ensure that the value supply chain of rare earth elements remains in the country." —?Malaysian Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim (source)
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Tags: #rareearthelements #mining #cleanenergy #malyasia?
Canada Bread banned from federal contracts?
Canada Bread Co., Ltd., also known as Bimbo Canada, has been added to the Canadian government's ineligible and suspended suppliers list. This is due to their involvement in an industry-wide price-fixing scheme concerning specific packaged bread products.
“Fixing the price of bread — a food staple of Canadian households — was a serious criminal offence. Our continuing investigation remains a top priority. We are doing everything in our power to pursue those who engage in price-fixing.” — Matthew Boswell, commissioner of competition at the Competition Bureau (source)
“In 2014, Canada Bread was acquired by Grupo Bimbo. It is crucial to highlight that Grupo Bimbo was not aware of, nor did due diligence uncover, the conduct prior to its acquisition of the company. It was only in 2017 that Canada Bread’s parent company learned about the conduct. Since then, Canada Bread has provided full and consistent cooperation with the Competition Bureau.” — Grupo Bimbo statement (source)
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Tags: #grupobimbo #canadabread #canada #pricefixing #esg
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