URLs  And Subdomains Finding Using HackerGPT

URLs And Subdomains Finding Using HackerGPT

HackerGPT: A ChatGPT Empowered Penetration Testing Tool is leading the way in this conflict. It provides a strong and cutting-edge solution. In order to better comprehend HackerGPT’s function in penetration testing and cybersecurity, this article goes deep into its environment while offering insights, advice, and useful details.

Finding Subdomains using supporting tools "/Subfinder" available in HackerGPT

Step 1: Open HackerGPT ( https://hackergpt.chat/ )

  • After login you get the interface of new chat.

Chat interface of hackerGPT

Step 2 : Click on "Settings" icon available into text input field

  • After clicking on the setting icon you will get the below interface.

Setting icon button selection

  • By default, You will see the "Enhance search" is enable. First disable that button to select the following available supporting tools in hackerGPT.

Selection supporting tool from hackerGPT

  • Select "Subfinder: Discover subdomain" option to start the further process.

Step 3 : Activate the selected supportive tool.

  • To activate the selected tool into the text input field. You need to write"/subfinder" and press the enter button.

Basic Information about Subfinder

  • You will get the following basic information about the select tool after activate the tool.

Step 4 : Find Subdomains using "Command" given into basic information which is getting by activating the tool

  • Enter the given command into text input field to find the subdomains.

 /Subfinder -d <target>        

  • Output :

Shows output using command

Step 5 : Find Subdomains using simple prompt

  • Enter following prompt or as per your choice to find subdomains.Prompt :

Could you find subdomains of following domain ?

Domain : "cubeonebiz.com"        

  • Output :

Output using prompt

Finding URLs using GAU of web Application

Step 1 : Activate "GAU" tools for finding or crawling the websites.

Gau is a powerful web scraping tool that fetches known URLs from multiple sources, including AlienVault's Open Threat Exchange, the Wayback Machine, and Common Crawl.


Output :

GAU Basic usage information

Step 2 : Crawling web application using command line

Command : Example ( /gau <target> --from YYYYMM --to YYYYMM )

/Gau cubeonebiz.com --from 201903 --to 202403        

Output :

Crawling web output

Step 3 : Crawling web application using Prompt

Example :

Could you enumerate the following domain urls ?

Domain : "cubeonebiz.com"        
Identify URLs of given domain


subfinder is a tool for discovering subdomains of a target domain. In this case, it was able to identify 26 subdomains for cubeonebiz.com. These subdomains can be useful for further testing and reconnaissance, as they may contain additional services or vulnerabilities that are not present on the main domain.

gau is a tool for discovering URLs from a target domain. In this case, it was able to identify 169 URLs for cubeonebiz.com. These URLs can be useful for identifying potential attack surfaces, such as login pages, APIs, or other services that may be accessible over HTTP or HTTPS.

Together, these tools can provide valuable information for penetration testers, bug bounty hunters, or other security researchers who are tasked with identifying vulnerabilities in a target system. By using these tools in conjunction with each other, it is possible to build a more comprehensive view of the target system and identify potential attack vectors that may not be immediately apparent from a simple port scan or network scan.

However, it's important to note that these tools should only be used with permission from the owner of the target system, and any vulnerabilities or security issues identified should be reported responsibly to the appropriate parties. Unauthorized testing or exploitation of vulnerabilities can result in legal consequences and damage to the target system.


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