Url Launcher In Flutter
Lakshydeep Vikram S.
Software Dev | Constultant | Author @ Google Dev Library | Author: Make Yourself The Software Developer
Url_launcher?let you call, message, mail, open link via flutter application. You can either open a third-party application or open any link by staying on your application.
Install url_launcher package in pubspec.yaml file
Make minSdkVersion 21 and compileSdkVersion 33 in build.gradle file of app level.
Add the following queries to make call, send message, mails, open link in androidmanifest.xml file (just below the uses-permission line).
I had made the function for sending mail, opening links, making call and sending messages. Just go through :
Note: Please use country code in the mobile number.
You can explore launchUrl() function for changing the webview and for using javascript mode and many more.
After these all, on clicking respective button or calling respective function you can have your app open automatically by the help of url_launcher.
The code is uploaded here:
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