Dr. Anil kumar Sharma
AABI TORCH BEST NOMINATION AWARD 2024 -Thrilling moment at T Hub when i received
What is UTI?
A urinary tract infection occurs when microbes gets into any part of the urinary tract, i.e. the kidneys, ureters, bladder, or urethra.?
Commonly UTI occurs mainly in the urethra (urethritis) and bladder (cystitis) i.e. the lower urinary tract. In severe and rare cases however, UTI can also occur in the upper urinary tract. Infection in the upper urinary tract generally affects the kidneys (pyelonephritis) and at times the ureters.?
Most of the UTIs are caused by bacteria and some are caused byfungi?or viruses.?
UTI a big and ever growing health care issue which threats Kidney Health. Especially Diabetic patients use to get the recurrance of infection. UTI is the biggest cause of CKD disease. Symptioms of the disease find herewith:
Symptioms: repeatedly urinating at night,pain and burning sensation during urination,urinatikng pus/blood,fever ,back ache,vomitting etc.Since disease relates to bladder it also affects Vigina (Females)
Causes: Suppressing urinatrion urges at regular intervals,prostrate gland enlargement,kidmney stones,injury,lack of hygeine of reproductive organs,diabetes,reduced fluid intake.
Infection: Out of bacterial infections happening there are few which threats kidneys are Escherichia Coli (E Coli) and Salmonella .
Treatment:In modern science we have need base Antibiotics offering which helps immediate need and desire to overcome but at end of the day never conclude the root level.Recurrance use to continue and only antibiotics are the solutions and at end and at times patient faces drug resistance.Due to same when needed the same drug at emergency-wont work.
Alternative &Natural Treatment: For 3-5 days have fasting on juices as under to defend infection properly:
Cucumber juice
Radish Leaves juice
Spinach and Coconut water to mix equally
Corriander tea(Soaked and boiled with Seeds)
raw Coconut water
Barley water
Butter Milk
Post fasting one to follow Uncooked foods for 3 days
Sesame with honey to consume post fasting for 3 days and three times daily.
Post food intake visiting toilets to pass urination is very important.
Not to hold Urination urge
Plenty of Fluid to have in daily life.
Diabetic Or Hypertensive patient to follow under medical supervision only.
Always adviseable to follow under medical supervision only.
Dont forget recurrance of UTI will damage kidney hence expecting kidney disease to get revert post damage and instead follow a disciplined guidance to get prevented from recurrance of UTI henceforth you can save kidneys.
Stay Prevented stay safe with healthy kidneys