Urgent need for organic agriculture
Patricia Baronowski-Schneider
IR/PR/Marketing Expert | TEDx Speaker | Bestselling Author | 35+ Yrs Global Expertise | Diverse Industry Specialist | Senior Level Executive Contributor at Brainz Magazine, Newsbreak and Tealfeed
Urgent need for organic agriculture
Food safety and quality are two critical aspects that have garnered a growing amount of consumer attention. Toxic pesticides, toxic metals, hormones, antibiotic residues, and genetically engineered organisms are all found in conventionally farmed foods. Furthermore, conventionally farmed foods are less nutrient-dense and contain less antioxidants. Organically cultivated foods have been more popular over the last several decades as a result of their possible health advantages and food safety issues.
As the need for environmental sustainability grows, organic farming is becoming more popular throughout the globe. Organic farms offer lower yields than equivalent conventional farms, but they are more lucrative, better for pollinating insects and the ecosystem, and provide as or more nutritious crops with less chemical contamination. These conclusions are based on comparative research and meta-analysis of the mean impacts of organic and non-organic- organic agricultural systems on sustainability goals including biodiversity, productivity, soil quality, and viability; they did not address unpredictability. In order to maintain a long-term sustainable production system, producers rely on the consistent supply of harvests, earnings, and green energy. A more consistent supply of food for customers necessitates a lower yield variance. Low variability helps farmers to achieve constant output and avoid unproductive years while also guaranteeing that consumers have predictable access to nutrient-rich and adequate food. Food prices are less unpredictable and global trade economies are steadier when farmers are able to consistently supply produce. As a result of reduced unpredictability in ecosystem services, food shortages may also be avoided. Low-variability ecosystem services systems might be more resistant to droughts and other harsh weather events that are increasingly often due to global warming. Compared to conventional farms, organic farms tend to have lower yields and a larger degree of fluctuation in production over time. This is due to the fact that farming practices are more dependent on environmental resources to provide high crop yields, while conventional farms may rely on external inputs more significantly. A wide variety of herbicides and artificial fertilizers may be used by traditional growers more readily in response to insect outbreaks or inadequate soil nutrient availability, respectively. It is possible that organic farmers may be more vulnerable to environmental changes that influence ecosystems such as soil bacteria and pollinators. Growing unpredictability in organic yields may also lead to increased fluctuation in organic producers’ earnings. When compared to conventional farms, organic farms are less likely to have environmental sustainability issues since they have a smaller choice of control techniques and management alternatives.
For the United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization’s (FAO) sustainable development objectives to succeed, it is necessary to simultaneously decrease agricultural emissions and enhance food security by decreasing production unpredictability in food-insecure areas. So, new ways must be found to make sure that ecosystem service provisioning can last for a long time so that food security and the environment don’t have to be sacrificed.
Terra Firma Foods has come up with their patented GRO technology to address this very issue. The organic farming using this technology is energy efficient and ecologically sustainable. Additionally, it also enables organic farming of seasonal produce all year round irrespective of the climatic conditions.
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