Important Message to CEOs, Founders and Entrepreneurs

Important Message to CEOs, Founders and Entrepreneurs

Running a business isn't about the business itself. It isn't about people either.

It's about an underlying intangible intention that's collectively created by everyone in the company, primarily CEO's, founders and management.

There's valuable wisdom that I want to bring to your awareness so you can improve performance and start getting better results in your life and in business.

1. Sacred Wisdom

There's an overload of information and "knowledge" that people keep repeating over and over again. And it's this information and "knowledge" that has most business leaders and entrepreneurs in a cycle of doing the same things over and over again and not getting the results they want. They tend to do it because it worked for someone else. Because it's the way it's always been done in the past. Because that was done at your previous employer. Because that's how it was taught in school. Because that's all they know. And so on.

How is that working out for you? Is business 10X to last year?

What we need is wisdom. True wisdom that will instantly shift your perspectives to create better and bigger results in life and business.

I'm calling sacred wisdom that inner knowingness that infinite possibilities exist to create and experience anything that's desired. This inherent and powerful wisdom within us that's often suppressed or ignored because of fear, because we don't believe in ourselves, because we don't believe it's possible, or because everyone else is doing something else therefore that means we gotta do whatever they're doing. Too often what "leaders" of businesses in the same industry do is simply invest their time copying each other. Following the footsteps of one another. This is leading to getting lost amongst all the other brands, stagnation and no growth. It's imperative to pay attention to your peers, industry trends, and analyze performance from your marketing efforts. However, if your team is constantly "reactive" and changing directions all the time means they have no idea what they're doing nor do they believe in the brand so they're always playing catch up and never really getting ahead and growing sales. If this is the way you're doing business you won't thrive long-term. Period.

The human beings exposed to your message or products/services FEEL this energy and vibration of plaything catch up, desperation, neediness and fear. What do you think that's doing, attracting or repelling customers?

2. The Power of This Unknown Type of Communication

Written and verbal communication are incredibly powerful.

There's also another type of communication that's even more powerful, yet most people don't understand it or simply aren't aware of it.

It's this type of communication that will radically improve the results you experience in your life and business.

That type of communication is your deeply ingrained feelings, beliefs, and knowingness which carry a powerful force of invisible energy and vibration that outperforms verbal and written communication.

It's when your verbal and written communication carry the same energy and vibration and are in alignment to that of your feelings, beliefs, and knowingness that you become unstoppable and consistently achieve bigger and results.

Just like when you order pizza and you KNOW for a fact you'll get it in the next 30 minutes. Just like when you order an item on Amazon and you KNOW for a fact you'll get it in the mail. It's that knowingness and conviction (no elements of fear or doubt) that can be applied to your business to 5X or even 10X revenue in a short period of time. You know and feel it's going to happen. No fucking question about it. Then you and your team start operating at that level of brilliance to experience that outcome. That creates an unstoppable force of energy, vibration and excitement that magnetizes/attracts people and opportunities that will guide you to experience those exact outcomes.

Because let's be reminded that everything you desire already exists. The people to buy your products and services and the money for them to pay for it. All that needs to happen is for you to actually experience those results.

There are also types of energy and vibration created by people's feelings, thoughts, knowingness, and also their presence that can create an environment that isn't conducive to success. That's created when there's resentment, frustration, lack of excitement, too much anger, blame, anxiety, stress, depression and gossip amongst other emotions and feelings. If this is the environment you're experiencing in your company this is literally costing you millions of dollars in sales every year. It will also drive companies to stagnation and going out of business very quickly.

3. True Understanding of Yourself 

The results you're getting in business is also a reflection of how you operate at a personal level privately, which comes from your beliefs, knowingness about life and business and from your past experiences.

There's an outrageous lack of self-understanding of what it takes to BE and thrive as human beings. There's no way one can understand another human being (and collectively humanity) without truly understanding, respecting and having compassion and love towards oneself.

There's been numerous occasions where "leaders" of companies have cut down summer Friday hours to keep talent longer hours in the office hoping that that will in turn increase sales and drive growth. Keeping talent longer hours in the office won't lead to greater productivity or sales only burnout and stagnation. Management in many companies are bringing in bean bags and Thursday happy hours hoping that will in turn increase sales and grow the business. That doesn't work long-term. It isn't sustainable.

There's a lot of band-aid solutions and surface level crap that isn't conducive to success primarily because the root cause of business challenges is ignored or never addressed.

The key is truly understanding yourself and exactly what allows you to be a top performer consistently and operate at a high level of consciousness. And that leads to a deeper understanding of human behavior. When you truly understand human behavior you'll be able to create an environment that nurtures talent to be more creative, innovative, and operate at a much higher level of performance to increase sales and drive business growth. This is a big one yet management at most companies lack this wisdom.

We're not human thinkings.

We're not human doings.

We're human beings.

It's from a place of beingness that creativity and innovation will rise.

It's from a place of beingness that the most lucrative opportunities will be birthed.

It's from a place of beingness that you'll attract the most brilliant talent.

It's from a place of beingness that you can create bigger, better, and faster results from working 25 hours per week than from working 80 hours per week.

It's from a place of beingness that you'll create and experience the most amazing results.

Leading your personal life, your team and doing business from a place of mindfulness, greater awareness and higher consciousness is exactly what will birth more creativity and innovation, improve teams' performance, increase sales, and drive business growth. The quality of your life will significantly improve too.

Samuel Ferrati is an intuitive guide and business advisor helping high profile leaders and businesses make a bigger impact with their work and drive sales and business growth.


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