Urgent call Nations, Peoples of the World Our Future Home Time Evolve Civilization with the Environment to Exist.

Urgent call Nations, Peoples of the World Our Future Home Time Evolve Civilization with the Environment to Exist.

Attention peoples of the world leaders of each nation it is a priority to have your attention at this time, today as in days of yesteryear nature creates environmental mutations that motivate diverse changes in our environment its development affects the stability of civilization together with the life of many living beings including us.

We have antecedents of past civilizations on our planet that suddenly disappeared due to unknown concepts, there is a total absence of information about the event, only today we know that something happened, we have advances in knowledge that can help avoid the same end, starting now would be good for the present and future of all, but all beings on the planet from all countries working together for the future.

Considering the principle of Newton's law that states "ENERGY IS NOT DESTROYED, IT IS ONLY TRANSFORMED", this leads us to a single understanding, today and in the future, regardless of time or understanding, we will be here again in different forms, regardless of our understanding.

I emphasize this precept because the ANDROMEDA GALAXY, which is heading towards our MILKY WAY GALAXY, is manifesting its influence on our planet since its aura or trail of affectation has reached our galaxy, this with the passage of each day and years, various climatic, astronomical, and energetic changes are intensified, together with other unknown changes that were never expected. Affecting our existence, way of life, food situation, development, drinking water...etc.

I call upon every leader of every nation, town, city, state, population, everyone around the world, first to put aside military conflict no matter the reason, let us join forces in a scheme of peace, harmony and exchange to share knowledge, technology, development, infrastructure and more, creating what is necessary to transform our current civilization, advancing to an optimal and ideal level for our future existence where all those who exist with those who return to civilization, considering Newton's law, we find a place where we can exist in balance, abundant in what is necessary with peace and harmony between all living beings and their environment. It is fruitless to use capital resources in a military conflict between peoples or nations that the end of the whole path is to continue existing, in one way or another. It is better to focus capital today to exist in the best way with a future designed by ourselves covering our requirements in balance with our environment with a vast and unlimited source of supply in food, water, energy, sustainability and others, designed and created by our civilization so that our existence together with our environment preserves existence unlimitedly.

Storms and tornadoes will intensify more and more, whether solar or rain, extreme heat and cold, together with other natural phenomena, increasingly intense, possessing great personal wealth does not exempt us from being in a better world, it only gives rise to a virtual and temporary environment that will gradually decrease until we reach where we all are.

Today is time for union, anticipating changes so that in prevention we can evolve in technology, infrastructure, agriculture, biotechnology, food technology, construction, electronics, communications, science, preservation of existence... together with our other sciences, all united with a single goal, to preserve existence by evolving civilization to the next stage.

There are capitals (the use of weapons changes to technological development), we have intelligence, we have the infrastructure, the bases to evolve to a higher level, we need to unite people, nations and efforts to reach the objective, creating new sciences and improving all those already existing.

I have studied the evolution of civilization from 1910 to 1940 where very advanced technologies for their time and diverse sciences were manifested, some of which were adopted, other cases forgotten, this shows that we can in less than 30 years transform what we have today but with union and effort, removing all rivalry and integrating selfless teamwork in total evolution of all nations in favor of all living beings.

I also call upon every citizen and every reader of this document to share this document so that everyone will be aware and participate in the future, let us join forces with each other in respect among all that the absence of this precept will bring nothing to fruition, taking care of each other as it was in years of yesteryear, in selfless action with the objective of living in peace with harmony to reach the evolution of an ideal stage, for an advanced technological development this is the first step, with no other way to follow.

Everything negative, regardless of its size, the smaller it is, the more harmful and the larger it is, the more expansive, always obstructing, destroying and gradually eradicating our existence in all senses.

Let us begin the creation of the COUNCIL OF TECHNOLOGICAL EVOLUTION OF WORLD CIVILIZATION in unity for the good of all living beings and their preservation.

I am Paul Parra, this is the first document requesting the global collaboration of all governments and the world's population to evolve to the best level of our civilization in community for the sake of the existence of the environment and its inhabitants around the world.

Publication of Mexico, Wednesday, October 9, 2024.


Paul Parra


