The Urgency of Lab Tests

The Urgency of Lab Tests

A laboratory test is one of the most important stages of medical care. From getting Hemoglobin percentage checked to determining if you’ve inherited a medical condition from your family, routine lab tests may reveal your health concerns at an earlier stage.

Lab tests may appear to be hassle-some but hold a lot of benefits. Furthermore, PhleboIndia, using cutting-edge technology, ensures to provide time-bound medical solutions by collecting lab test samples from any location and at any time selected.

Talking about laboratory tests, here are some benefits available with regular checkups.

Blood’s tendency to determine a health condition

Our blood travels to every part of the body and informs us about our health. Extracting and studying a sample of blood can provide the identification of any health risks occurring in our body.?

Red blood cells and white blood cells each have unique characteristics. One's health may suffer if either of them is not in the fixed range that is needed. Lab testing can be used to identify these issues and, as a result, treat them right away. To assess health, blood components like calcium, electrolytes, vitamins and sugar levels are analysed.

Covid19 tests in Laboratories

The pandemic brought laboratories to the streets due to overwhelmed hospitals and a lack of healthcare providers. However, as the infection is growing to be as common as the flu, testing on the streets has gone back to the laboratories.?

The urgency of lab tests is also conveyed when travelling. With infections surging, testing should also become the ‘new normal.’?

Regular checkups are also important as there may be a need to compare your reports to the previous reports in order to track the internal changes in the body. This, as a result, helps in the quick diagnosis, planning, and treatment of illnesses. Due to ignorance and negligence, India's healthcare system performs far fewer checkups than the NHS in the UK and the USPHS in the USA. The need for routine lab tests has increased significantly since the introduction of COVID. PhleboIndia, a tech-based platform in the healthcare sector, aims to make this process as simple as possible.

But today, the requirement for regular lab testing is made available at the patient’s convenience. PhleboIndia is one such healthcare service provider that is contributing to the cause. From sample collection to handing the reports, the team initiates door-to-door service at the patient’s time and place of convenience. Allied with reputable laboratories, it provides patients the choice of selecting the lab from where they want to get tested.?

Care starts at home. If monthly lab tests seem like a hassle to you, just dial PhleboIndia or log onto the website to get tested on-time.



