Is Urbanization Good Or Bad?
As we saw, urbanization is the population shift from rural areas to urban areas. So, is this population a good thing or bad thing? Urbanization has the ability to positively improve all facets of sustainable development, including the fight against inequality. Urbanization can lessen poverty and inequality when it is planned for and managed effectively. It does this by enhancing work possibilities and quality of life, including bettering education and health. However, if urbanization is not well planned, it can result in social exclusion, greater inequality, pollution, traffic jams, and crime rates.
In general, larger cities are wealthier but also more unequal than smaller ones. The opportunities that cities offer are spatially unequally distributed, making it difficult for entire communities and populations to obtain services like good schools, sanitation, piped water, employment prospects, and suitable housing, among other things. The most prominent example of the spatial concentration of urban poverty and disadvantage is found in slums.
Unchecked urban growth has led to poor public service delivery and a failure to ensure a minimal standard of living for all city dwellers. With poor urban planning and a growth in this population shift, there are adverse consequences of urbanization. These are; high population density, poor infrastructure, a lack of cheap housing, flooding, pollution, the development of slums, lack of water and proper sanitation, unhealthy conditions and diseases, crime, traffic congestion, and poverty are the issues connected to urbanization.
Proper urban planning in the midst of rapid urbanization however can improve people’s living standards give people access to better housing, health care, food, education. Urban development generates funds for infrastructure projects that reduce traffic, bring access to transportation and communication; high-quality facilities for education and medicine which enhances public health and the creation more job opportunities.
For this to be possible, urban governance and proper planning is important and given the rate of urbanization in developing nations, necessary. If measures are not put in place to alleviate inequality, the situation in cities will continue to worsen.
There is no one-size-fits-all approach to eliminating urban inequality and make urbanization a good thing, but some policies can be implemented to help governments be successful in addressing the geographical, economic, and social components of the urban divide and promoting inclusive urbanization, even in fast expanding cities. Good policies generally should have four components.
With all these regulations, living standards become better.
So, urbanization can be a good thing or a bad thing. It depends on how it’s handled and how the planning happens.?