Equilibrium of urbanization and biodiversity in post globalized India : A brief Introduction
Rangeet Mitra
Community Driven Nature Based Solutions Expert | Environmental Science, Project Management, Climate Change
After getting freedom, Industrialisation in India has been increased rapidly. Specially, after 1991, corporate sector has changed the structure of the society. It has influenced the rural society to transform into the modern society. This urbanisation has developed the socio-economic condition of the rural India. But however, for the better life-style, people have coming from the villages to the cities. So, Cities have overloaded by the people who are coming from the rural India.
During 1990 to 2000, growth was 5.6% and In between 2001-2000 growth was 7.2%. It has shown the effect of the urbanisation in India. Speedy developmental activity has degraded both society and environment. It has caused pollutions, growth of pollutions etc. More slums have developed in the urban areas which have disturbed the communication systems, municipal solid waste management systems etc.
Population of India is more than 1.22 billion (2011 census report) and it is projected that in 2050, it will be reached 1.6 billion (BBC News, 2004). The ration among the land, resources and population is below the average level. Though economic revolution has accelerated the nation’s GDP but also it has destroyed the nature.
Reducing Ecological footprint is the major reason behind wars, conflicts, famine and other socio-economic problems.
Major threat:
1. Climate change:
In post globalisation, carbon dioxide emission of India has increased 78%. In the same line, experts are predicted if we compare the India’s energy consumption of 2002 with 2020, will be doubled (116 gigawatts to 252 gigawatts). So, emission of greenhouse gases will be increased. As we know that due to the weather change, our rural livelihood system will be disturbed. Also, we have noticed that due to various natural calamities, many people have died and we have lost huge amounts of money. In July 2005, due to devastating floods with a heavy rainfall in Mumbai for 24 hrs (100 cm), 1000 people were died and approx. US $3.5 Billion assets were damaged.
2. Population:
Due to the poor family planning, human population has been growing high and it has disturbed the local ecosystems. As a result of globalisation, rural culture has disappeared.
3. Solid waste:
Due to urbanisation, per capita municipality’s solid waste has increased from 375 g/day (14.9 MT / yr.) to 490g/day (48.5 MT/yr.) (1997). If we are not managing it properly, in 2025, It will be reached to 700 g / day (97 MT/ yr.).
4. Effect on Water Quality:
Due to mixing of Industrial & domestic waste water to the surface and ground water, water quality should be decreased. If we compare the situation in 1997 to 2009, we will see that the per capita, total waste water generation in 1997 were 116 lpcd & 7007 mld . Similarly, in the year 2009, it was 121 lpcd and 38254 mld . It is projected that in the year of 2050, total waste water will be 120000 mld. According to recent report, India has the capacity to treat 10% of the generated total waste water. So, it is one of the most important problem.
5. Air quality:
Massive industrialisation has injected pollutant in the atmosphere. For that reason, air quality has degraded which has caused health problems such as cancer, respiratory problems etc.
6. Transport:
Growth rate of private cars and two wheelers are 9.6% and 10.3 % per annum, . Side by side, pollutants such as SPM, SOx, NOx , VOCs have been crossing the stand given by WHO.
7. Land and Agriculture:
Already it is highlighted that 50% of India’s land resources are deteriorated. From 1951 to 2001, non- agricultural lands have increased from 9.36 million hectares to 22.97 hectares.
In India, urbanisation has gone on quickly. None can control it perfectly. Also, it is noted that India is a developing nation. If pace of the urbanisation has reduced, then it will hamper the growth of the nation. The sustainable development model should be implemented, so that environment friendly developmental activities should take place.
In India, policies and strategies implemented by the Government and corporates are excellent, but monitoring and quality should be checked accurately. Also, awareness campaigns and more indigenous environment friendly techno-management drives are essential to sustain the pro-natural developments. Integrated coordination and collaboration from the reputed institutions, research labs, Government and non-governmental organisations and other stakeholders will be helpful to accelerate the momentum.