Urbanization and/or Ruralization?
India 2025: 1.4+ billion and counting! ??
The attached graphic shows eight countries where more than half of the world's projected population increase by 2050 will be concentrated, and the biggest share is of India.
? Are we ready for the expected 1.67 billion population by 2050? Can we make sure nobody has to strive for hunger by then?
? With more than 60% of our population in the working age group of 15-64 years, do we have sufficient employment opportunities?
? With our metropolitan cities constantly ranking in the world's top 10 'Worst Air Quality' cities, are we going to continue development in its present form?
? Will the ever-increasing polarization in the urban and rural growth continue to grow? Can we not provide dignity and recognition to our villages?
We can go on and on with such difficult questions. The most effective solution here is an equitable growth of the country, and that can be made possible by practicing Urbanization and Ruralization simultaneously. The pressure of population on cities needs to be reduced, and all reasons for distress migration be addressed quickly. The billion plus people are here to stay. The magic is in how we manage them.
? Adopt a polycentric approach for development. Identify villages, realize their potential, create economic opportunity, provide access to market, and thus, retain population.
? Provide all basic infrastructure - roads, water supply, covered drainage network, electricity, waste management - in villages. And don't call it - Provision of URBAN amenities in rural areas (PURA). You get it!
? Encourage and promote village/countryside tourism, this will gradually make the village self-sufficient. Capture the rapidly-growing tourism sector by providing newer experiences & places.
? Ensure that all rural people get education and skill development. A nation can thrive only when it has a productive populace.
? Invest in making our handicrafts export-quality. Let us stick to our best skills, innovate to match global requirement, get the word out, and trade.
We have missed no 'manufacturing bus'. Do not regret, rather act!
While competition is good, excess of it can be demotivating too.
Let us make our villages smart, so that our cities do not have to bear the burden all by themselves.