Urbanism Speakeasy #35
These recent posts on Urbanism Speakeasy talk a lot about metrics:
Planners & engineers use the wrong metric to evaluate traffic conditions
LOS has nothing to do with safety. Anyone who tells you differently is either accidentally wrong or intentionally deceptive.
The bus trips not taken
People who feel unsafe using the subway or local bus will find another way to reach their destination. The sooner we talk openly about this stuff, the better.
Based on zoning's outcomes, here's how to fix it
The American Planning Association has published some articles in recent years about considerations for land use reform. Frankly, I think the approaches they’ve broadcast are too complicated and time consuming.
The internet is amazing.
AI tools can be used for good, for evil, and for good displays of policy evils.
Planner, advocate, bike nerd, coffee lover.
1 年A small part of me dies every time I see a LOS comparison for a ped/bike/transit improvement. Yes, there will be some additional delay, so humans can cross intersections. That is the point.