Urban Sound Suite with "Captain" Matt Houston
Matt Houston
Bringing R&B, Soul, Jazz, Ol' Skool, Independent Artists and Edutainment Flava to your ear!
Music Crosses All Bridges, Borders, And Cultures To Connect Us All! You know how WE do it... bringing RnB, Soul, Ol' Skool, Jazz, Indie and Edutainment Flava. The good stuff!
Hello, Suite Family!!
Tune in to the Urban Sound Suite with "Captain" Matt Houston on Sunday from 10pm GMT / 5pm EST / 2pm PST (check your time zone for airing in your area) on 102.5 FM & DAB Black Country Radio (and if out of range) visit us online at www.blackcountryradio.co.uk. Also, download the "Radioplayer" or TuneIn AND NOW THE NEW Black Country Radio Mobile app onto your mobile devices and lock in "102.5 Black Country Radio" to live stream. Don't meet me here, beat me here!
This is the Captain. And this is the latest from the Suite!
#MusicCrossesAllBridgesBordersAndCulturesToConnectUsAll#RnBSoulOlSkoolJazzIndie_Edutainment #UrbanSoundSuite #MattHouston#HowWEDoIt #TheGoodStuff #OPPInHistory #SensationalSoundsRadio#RememberingOurFavoriteArtists #TheShow #BlackCountryRadio #SundayFunday #######