Urban agriculture and food security: a case study in Maringá, PR-Brazil
An Abstract that i take from the publication of a article as result of a research that i did to conclude my dissertation for master's degree in 2017. After that, me and the professors had wrote this article.
The link is below
The urbanization resulting from Brazilian industrialization after World War II influenced the development and infrastructure aspects of urban centers. This generated a growth of the urban population, resulting in socioeconomic structural problems related to public health, education, food insecurity, among others. Urban agriculture consists of agriculture activities within urban spaces and can promote food security to those who practice it and to those who benefit from its access. In this sense, the objective of this study was to analyze the impact of urban agriculture on food security. The research was carried out in community gardens in the city of Maringá, Brazil, using the EBIA method, with procedures of descriptive statistical analysis and multiple linear regression. The results indicate that the activity did not contribute to the food security of people who depend on the resources generated, whether for consumption or income.