URBAN ACT PROJECT: The CEE Rating Workshop and Focus Group Discussion - NEPAL
United Cities and Local Governments Asia-Pacific (UCLG ASPAC)
UCLG ASPAC (United Cities and Local Governments Asia Pacific) is a local government association in Asia Pacific Region.
April 12, 2023 | Kathmandu –?In the First Session of the 2023 UCLG ASPAC Executive Bureau, the Plenary Session on Inter-Municipal Cooperation for Resilient and Sustainable Cities was organised. It discussed the City Enabling Environment for Resilient and Sustainable Cities in response to the presentation on CEE Ratings in Africa delivered by the Director of Operations and Technical Assistance of UCLG Africa Dr. Francois Paul Yatta, and the presentation on CEE Ratings in Asia Pacific and CEE Rating in Asia Pacific for 2023 by the Assistant Professor at Graduate School of International Cooperation Studies, Kobe University, Mr Mizan Bisri, PhD. Representing the Central Government, Mr. Sushil Gyawali (National Planning Commission of Nepal) commented in response to the presentations on the CEE Rating.
The CEE Rating Workshop and Focus Group Discussion session were also held to cover updated information regarding the Update of the CEE Rating assessment for Asia and the Pacific in 2023 and the newest CEE Rating Indicator number 11 on Environment and Climate Governance, and to coordinate with cities and local government associations (LGAs) regarding the data collecting process for CEE Rating 2023 in Asia and the Pacific. The session discussed and elaborated on the Country Assessment Process (the general CCE Rating and CEE Rating specific on Criteria 11), the role and responsibility of LGAs in the CEE Rating Assessment, and provided understanding related to the renewal of evidence-based data validation process which the CEE Experts facilitated. The session also facilitated opinions and input from the city and LGAs regarding the data collection process to their views on the CEE Rating. The session concluded with the group presentation of the country assessment process in each region.