Michael Zizis
h.s. diploma at south high - pittsburgh - Saturn School of Hard Lessons.
Lightning Meets
the earth.
Welcome to Uranus
in Taurus.
An essay by Michael Zizis May 14, 2018
Here are the dates;
The planet of stealing fire from the gods – Uranus – enters the solid earth sign of Taurus {according to tropical astrology}
May 15th – November 6, 2018. It will retrograde back into Aries,
November 7th 2018 – March 5, 2019. Uranus will return to Taurus,
March 6, 2019 and remain in the sign until July 7, 2025.
dot dot dot
That Uranian Thing
{ Rectal cranial inverts alert: there are no anal
jokes here from this point on that I am aware of. }
Astrologers, as I have said before, are good at two things – predicting the past and reminding us all about personal responsibility. The former is some astrologers’ way of avoiding having to say anything about coming events a.k.a the future. Predictions – after all – are hard to make – especially about the future.
This is partly because we are as susceptible as anyone to that broken down cliché –anything can happen / anything is possible. If you ever hear me say this in a recording with the intent to mean it, I will cheerfully give you a refund. While anything is possible – only certain things are probable.
It’s possible that Donald Trump will repeal the law of gravity. It is not probable that gravity will change. It is possible that Vlad Putin and Benjamin Netanyahu will wear pink princess bare back gowns and ride on blue unicorns down Main street dispensing hand made chocolates to all the kids, and write apologies to the world published in every newspaper worldwide. It is not probable. Let’s all take the red pill and stop treating others like children.
On to personal responsibility. Be good to each other. Comfort those who confess. Learn more about personal hygiene. Love the earth. Love her children. Start or keep telling yourself and everyone else we can do better. We are done.
dot etc.
This is an indictment on two counts.
1. We astrologers dropped our wizard garb and pointy hats as starry guides and that’s a good thing. Now we wish to dress like the grey dull children we have created; psychologists.
2. We are not scientists either. Scientists do not use the myth of Persephone or Kronos to explain quantum particle movements. Scientists measure and measure and measure gasoline/oxygen combustion ratios, napalm killing effectiveness, amplifying bacterial lethality, galaxies, and protons. The word science means to break things apart. No astrologer ever broke an electron to discover what’s inside. Mythology breathes life into imagination. Astrologers and rappers know that we are mythic beings.
After astrologers spent a thousand years revealing the gifts of patient observation of the night skies, and codifying the results for the entire world to feast on, scientists will tell us in no uncertain terms that we are not scientists. They are correct. We observe that events have cycles.
We are Uranians. In this culture we steal fire from the experts, however reluctantly. We got thrown outta the village, so we started our own village. And we argue ceaselessly with each other about which side of the bread is the right one to butter. I rant therefore I am.
The Thing itself
Uranus is the city and the people. He is caffeine for the sleep of opium. He is Paris, the city of lights, built on the ruins of a previous Paris. He is penicillin growing in a forgotten Petrie dish by a lazy scientist, which saves millions of lives. He is the note on the table that sez – I am leaving you and taking the kids – don’t try to follow.
Uranus rolls thru the zodiac as an outer planet spending about seven years in each sign. All of the other planets spin like tops. Symbolically he breaks up stale conditions. He is the accident - happy or not - that reveals new things unseen before. He is Eureka. He is the first notes of Rhapsody in Blue by Gershwin.
FROM: https://www.astralreflections.com/website/html/uranus.html
“Uranus is seldom lucky, but it is always interesting. I call it the Alice in Wonderland effect - though some would say this planet embodies the Chinese curse: "May you live in interesting times." Uranus brings genius, but its "standard bearers" (Edison, Watts, etc.) seldom succeed at higher learning - often, Uranus-ruled people have a hard time in university, though the IQ be 200 or 300! Uranus rules humanitarian actions - Charles Dickens freeing small children from English factories, Lincoln freeing the American slaves, were both Aquarians (the sign of Uranus). But Aquarius/Uranus also rules revolt, and the dictatorial regimes that revolt often engenders - Iran, for example, is an Aquarian nation. Uranus prominent in a birth chart often indicates childhood sexual abuse - and the year it occurred. This planet has many sides - some shocking, some gentle, and all unpredictable.”
Lincoln and Darwin, both Aquarians, were born the same day – February 12, 1809.
Taurus – the earth in revolution
“A bad earthquake at once destroys the oldest associations: the world , the very emblem of all that is solid, has moved beneath our feet like a crust over a fluid; one second of time has conveyed to the mind a strange idea of insecurity, which hours of reflection would never have created.”
– Charles Darwin
Spring is a time of violence. Iconic animals with horns, Aries the ram and Taurus the bull announce the return of Spring with head mounted battering rams. Dormant seeds push the earth away reaching for sunlight. It is not a time of solid peaceful earth but floods and hurricane winds. As Uranus leaves Aries it goes thru the 29th degree of Aries before entering the first zero degree of Taurus. The 29th degree of every sign of the zodiac is termed the ‘weeping’ or anaretic degree. The first or zero degree of the next sign is called the combustion degree.
Further studies: https://cafeastrology.com/criticaldegrees.html
Taurus rules money and the value of money. This is a Venus related sign associated with quality, value and luxury.
Uranus is revealing that the earth is doing what it has always done – it is changing. Some key words for Uranus – sudden turns, rebellion, independence, invention, surprises, liberation, disruption, awakening.
VOLCANOES AWAKEN IN May 2018 - https://www.bing.com/search?q=volcanoes+awaken+may+2018&qs=n&form=QBRE&sp=-1&ghc=1&pq=volcanoes+awaken+may+2018&sc=0-25&sk=&cvid=5FC01C5A19FA4076B401EA9B7C6F2E06
Nothing is more Uranian than human created disasters. We are a species of great power and little wisdom:
The Patel Dam in Solai, Subukia Sub-County, Nakuru County, Kenya, broke its banks at around 21:00 on Wednesday 09 May, 2018.
A North Korean mountain collapsed April 28, 2018 - because of underground nuclear tests.
Seven years ago on the same day that Uranus entered Aries, Fukushima blew up. The Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster happened March 11, 2011, the day that Uranus entered the sign of Aries.
Here is a brilliant tour of the previous transit of Uranus thru Taurus:
From: https://astralvisions.wordpress.com/2018/02/28/business-as-unusual-uranus-in-taurus/
1934-1942: The Great Depression bites deep into the world economy; the Dust Bowl; major heat wave strikes North America; France shut down by millions of striking workers; Edward VIII abdication crisis; the ‘May Crisis’, the Munich Agreement declaration by Neville Chamberlain that “I have returned from Germany with peace for our time” followed by the immediate actual outbreak of WWII; Winston Churchill (considered one of the greatest orators of modern times) in his first address as Prime Minister tells the United Kingdom, “I have nothing to offer you but blood, toil, tears, and sweat”; food rationing begins in Great Britain; Parliament of the United Kingdom passes the Emergency Powers (Defense) Act 1939, giving the government full control over all persons and property; Dunkirk evacuation; Battle of Britain after Nazi occupation of France; “The Hardest Day” in the Battle of Britain in which both sides lose more aircraft combined than at any other point during the campaign, without the Luftwaffe achieving dominance over RAF Fighter Command; Churchill says “Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few”; bombing of Berlin begins in an all night RAF air raid; “Second Great Fire of London” (Luftwaffe carries out a massive incendiary bombing raid, starting 1,500 fires and many famous buildings, including the Guildhall, are either damaged or destroyed; demise of the League of Nations; rumor that Hitler is dead sweeps the United States as millions of CBS radio listeners hear the Führer cut off in mid-speech during a shortwave relay; attack on Pearl Harbor; Voice of America propaganda begins broadcasting; construction begins on the Badger Army Ammunition Plant, the largest in the United States during WWII; War Relocation Authority (WRA) becomes responsible for the internment of Americans of Japanese and, to a lesser extent, German and Italian descent, many of them legal citizens; Battle of Los Angeles ( over 1,400 AA shells are fired at an unidentified, slow-moving object in the skies over Los Angeles for several hours, but nothing is downed, no wreckage is ever found and the official explanation is a weather balloon); Jewish Star of David is required wearing for all Jews in Nazi territory ;
German Lorenz cipher machine operator sends a 4,000-character message twice, allowing British mathematician Bill Tutte to decipher the machine’s coding mechanism; Joseph Stalin’s ‘Great Purge’ or ‘Great Terror’ in the Soviet Union; worst coal dust explosion to date claims 1,549 lives in China; West China Famine (five million die); Tenzin Gyatso is proclaimed the tulku (rebirth) of the thirteenth Dalai Lama; Mahatma Gandhi begins a fast protesting against British rule in India; 1938 Yellow River flood ( created by the Nationalist government in central China breaching embankments during the early stage of the Second Sino-Japanese War in an attempt to halt the rapid advance of Japanese forces) kills at least 400,000, cover and destroy thousands of square kilometers of farmland and shifts the mouth of the Yellow River hundreds of kilometers to the south; Great Hong Kong Typhoon kills an estimated 11,000 people; Hindenburg disaster; the Holocaust; death and concentration camps built; the Tsuyama massacre (Matsuo Toi kills 30 people in a village in Okayama, Japan in the world’s worst spree killing by an individual until 1982); Spanish Civil War; US National Archives and Records Administration is established; Volkswagen designed and created; first x-ray photo of entire body is made; Joseph Stalin, in his first address since German invasion, calls upon the Soviet people to carry out a “scorched earth” policy of resistance to the bitter end; Battle of Moscow begins as temperatures around Moscow drop to ?12 °C and the Soviet Union launches ski troops for the first time against the freezing German forces near the city; Joseph Stalin opens the Moscow Metro to the public; US government opens a maximum security prison on Alcatraz Island in San Francisco Bay and the first federal prisoners arrive; oil is discovered in Saudi Arabia; plan to construct oil pipelines under the English Channel between England and France is tested; US federal agents oversee the transfer of $1.5 million in gold from the San Francisco mint to the Denver mint (it was said to be the largest movement of treasure in the history of the world); Woodrow Wilson, the 28th US President, appears on a Gold certificate valued at $100,000, the largest note ever issued by the United States; Social Security Act becomes law as President Franklin Roosevelt signs the Social Security Bill; creation of the Works Progress Administration (WPA) in the United States; General Motors recognizes the United Automobile Workers union; minimum wage is established by law in the United States; U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is placed under the Federal Security Agency; YMCA Youth and Government program is founded; Coit Tower in Pioneer Park on Telegraph Hill opens to the public; Griffith Observatory opens in Los Angeles; historic Uptown Theater (Washington, D.C.) opens; construction of Hoover Dam is completed; Golden Gate Bridge connecting San Francisco and Marin County is opened to pedestrian traffic; LaGuardia Airport is dedicated and opens for business; dedication of Thomas Jefferson’s and Abraham Lincoln’s head at Mount Rushmore; ground breaking ceremonies are held for the Pentagon and construction begins; Niagara Bridge at Niagara Falls collapses due to an ice jam; 600 foot (180 m) long center span of the Tacoma Narrows Bridge (known as Galloping Gertie) collapses; Borley Rectory (“the most haunted house in England”) is destroyed by fire; Mao Tse-tung decides to abandon his base in Kiangsi due to attacks from Chiang Kai-shek’s Nationalists and with his pregnant wife and about 30,000 Red Army troops, he sets out on the “Long March”; first pair of Jockey briefs goes on sale; first superhero to wear a skin-tight costume and mask, The Phantom, makes his first appearance; first appearance of
Superman; Batman makes his first appearance; first appearance of Captain America; first ever issue of ‘The Beano’ and ‘Dandy’ children’s comics are published; ‘The Wizard of Oz’ movie premieres; Orson Welles’ film ‘ Citizen Kane ‘ premieres; epic historical romance film ‘Gone with the Wind’ premieres; Walt Disney’s ‘Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs’, the world’s first feature-length animated film, premieres; CBS television begins commercial operation; NBC television begins commercial operation; world’s first legal TV commercial (for watches) occurs; Billie Holiday records “Strange Fruit”, the first anti-lynching song; first World Science Fiction convention; John Steinbeck’s novel ‘The Grapes of Wrath’ is first published; Bertolt Brecht’s anti-war play ‘Mother Courage and Her Children’ receives its first theatrical production; Billy Butlin opens his first Butlins holiday camp; Knotts Berry Farm amusement park is conceived and built; Polaroid sunglasses and Ambre Solaire sunblock first marketed; first canned beer, “Krueger Cream Ale,” is sold; breakfast cereal Cheerios is introduced; very first McDonald’s restaurant opens in San Bernardino, California; Nylon stockings go on sale for the first time (almost 5 million pairs are bought in the US on day one); László Bíró patents the ballpoint pen; flag of the Netherlands is officially adopted; stress is first recognized as a medical condition; US Congress declares soil erosion “a national menace” in an act establishing the Soil Conservation Service in the Department of Agriculture; in Quetta, India (later Pakistan), a magnitude 7.5 earthquake kills some 50,000 people; Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, suffers the worst flooding in its history; Crystal Palace is destroyed in a fire; seismologists Beno Gutenberg and Charles Francis Richter introduce the Richter scale; steam locomotive ‘Mallard’ sets the world speed record for steam by reaching 125.88 mph; Austrian physicist Erwin Schrodinger imagines the experiment known as ‘Schroedinger’s Cat’; Alan Turing submits his paper “On Computable Numbers” introducing the concept of the “Turing machine” (computers); Otto Hahn discovers the nuclear fission of uranium, the scientific and technological basis of nuclear power, which marks the beginning of the Atomic Age;
Plutonium is first synthesized in the laboratory; LSD is first synthesized by Albert Hofmann; Kirlian photography is invented; Germany-based BASF discovers how to make recording tape; Roy Plunkett discovers Teflon; William Hewlett and David Packard begin their Hewlett Packard Co; Hagia Sophia Byzantine cathedral is turned into a museum; the Tsukji fish market opens in Tokyo and grows to become the largest fish market in the world; Alcoholics Anonymous is founded; world’s first parking meters are installed in Oklahoma City; first live television coverage of a sports event in world history (Berlin Olympics 1936); first ascent of the Eiger north face; all persons born in Puerto Rico are declared U.S. citizens by birth; Valley of Geysers is discovered on the Kamchatka Peninsula.
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My predictions
Taurus symbolizes products and flowering of the earth. Among these are petroleum, coal, gas, and gems of all kinds. As breakthroughs in nuclear fusion and synthetic gems occur {diamonds and other precious stones} this will radically send the market value of these items downward.
Along with the plunging prices of perovskite solar panels, this will result in governments and private companies combatting private citizens thru price fixing and gouging.
Hard cash money will persist in many places, much to the surprise of technologists. Bit coin etc., will go thru radical fluctuations, collapse and resurgence.
There will be extreme market instability starting October of 2019, culminating in a slow bull recovery in 2020.This is the 19-? year Jupiter/Saturn cycle exacerbated by Uranus in the money sign of Taurus. Profit is created thru imbalance. Those who stay in the market throughout this period are likely to suffer most.
Microbiome research will result in new limbs and organ transplants no longer being rejected by the body, based on how bacteria avoid immune rejection responses.
Uranus in Taurus is also the ‘new earth’ – exoplanets will be discovered that contain oxygen in abundance, and life. Transportation without drivers will flourish in spite of accidental fatalities, and concrete/asphalt roads will begin to disappear thru hyperloop technologies.
Sinkholes, floods, draughts and famine will become more common. Pakistan and India are likely to engage in non nuclear war over the damming of major rivers, and Bangladeshi floods.
A Carrington-class flare eruption is unlikely until the very end of this seven year cycle – 2025- as we are presently at an eleven year low sunspot cycle; a solar min.
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