Career accidents
Career accidents happen all the time; consider Mark Twain! He had been a store clerk, delivery boy, riverboat pilot, secretary to his brother and a gold miner. When he was gold mining and prospecting he would write about what he saw and sent in his articles, and one day the Virginia City Enterprise decided to publish one. The articles were well loved by readers --and the rest is history, as they say!
A few days before he passed from this life, he wrote how to behave properly at the Pearly Gates... "Upon arrival do not speak until you are spoken to. Do not begin with, 'Say.' Leave your dog outside. Heaven goes by favor. If it went by merit, you would stay out and your dog would go in."
...Have a great weekend, America! It's so good to be working, loving, and giving! I hope each of you finds your passion and joy. It's out there, I promise.
Quit the stress and go be a blessing to someone.
--Rachel in Kansas