Upskilling Trends to Help Close the Skills Gap

Upskilling Trends to Help Close the Skills Gap

In today's fast-paced world and digital workplace, the skills and knowledge that employees need to succeed are constantly evolving. To stay competitive and meet the demands of the ever-changing job market, employers must provide opportunities for upskilling and professional development to their existing internal workforce. In this edition of Scion Insights, we will explore the current trends in upskilling employees in the workplace and how implementing these programs can help your organization cultivate better homegrown talent.

What is Upskilling?

Upskilling is referred to as the process of developing or learning new skills to advance one's career or enhance their performance in their current job. In today's digital world, there are endless opportunities for workers to continue their education without going back to college. For job seekers, upskilling can give them the opportunity to switch careers or prepare for a job they are targeting. By actively participating in talent development for themselves, job seekers and existing employees can learn new skill sets and obtain in-demand skills relevant to their job role or industry in order to reach their career goals.

Why Upskilling is a Must for Employers

After the pandemic and the Great Resignation period that followed, upskilling became a way for employers to be able to retain their talent rather than losing them to competition. Businesses who invested resources into additional learning opportunities and upskilling programs saw improvements in both job performance and how well they can rely on their talent in their current roles! It also helps with employee retention, as the current talent shortage and competitive job market has made retention more challenging for business leaders.

One of the toughest challenges that businesses face currently is the skill gaps that exists in their organization and in the talent pool. Ninety-four percent of business leaders expect their employees to pick up and learn new skills while on the job. However, there are job seekers that may not have all of the relevant skills or professional skills that employers are looking for. This also seen in current employees who have had difficulties adapting to the modern workforce and perhaps lack digital literacy and other digital skills that are so crucial to Upskilling is a way for employers to utilize that individual employee's current skills while adding more through training programs in order to close the gap.

Current Trends in Upskilling?

In this section, we will discuss some of the current upskilling trends that employers are implementing for their employees!

Personalized learning

One of the most significant trends in upskilling employees is the move towards custom personalized learning. Rather than providing one-size-fits-all training, personalized learning allows employees to tailor their learning experiences to their specific job needs and career goals. This approach is made possible through technology, which can be used to create customized learning paths, adaptive assessments, and personalized feedback. By giving employees more control over their learning, employers can increase engagement and motivation, leading to better learning outcomes. By offering upskilling in the form of personalized learning and certifications, employers are setting their employees up for success in both the short term and long term, as these certifications will only add value to the worker and the company overall.


Another trend in upskilling employees is the use of microlearning. Microlearning involves breaking down complex topics into bite-sized, easily digestible chunks. This approach is ideal for busy employees who may not have the time or attention span for long training sessions. Short videos, interactive quizzes, or infographics are all examples of microlearning. By delivering information in small increments, employers can help employees retain more information and apply it to their work.


Who doesn't like learning while gaming? Gamification is the use of game-like elements in non-game contexts, such as training and development. By adding elements such as points, badges, and leaderboards, employers can make learning more engaging and motivating, as well as adding a level of competition. Gamification can also increase the retention and application of knowledge, as employees are more likely to remember information that they learned through a game or simulation. Additionally, using games as a way to upskill employees offers the potential for more critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

Mobile learning

Since smartphones and tablets have become such an important part of our daily lives and are even a necessity in some positions, many employers are turning to mobile learning as a way to upskill their employees. Mobile learning allows employees to access training and development materials on their own devices, making it more convenient and accessible. Mobile learning can take many forms, such as mobile-friendly websites or apps. By making learning available on-the-go, employers can increase engagement and retention of information, while allowing the employee to learn at their own pace.

Collaborative learning

Collaborative learning involves employees working together to learn and solve problems that are relevant to their role or industry. This approach is particularly effective for developing teamwork and communication skills, which are essential for many workplaces. Collaborative learning can be accomplished several different ways, such as projects between multiple departments, case studies, peer-to-peer mentoring, or online discussion forums. By promoting collaboration, employers can create a culture of continuous learning and improvement among their employees. This can help create a more inclusive workplace environment and keep employee retention rates higher.

Soft skills training

While technical skills and hard skills are important, employers are increasingly recognizing the value of soft skills such as communication, critical thinking, problem-solving, and emotional intelligence. Soft skills training involves developing these skills through various learning methods such as coaching, mentorship programs, and workshops. By improving soft skills, employees can work more effectively with others, manage conflicts, and adapt to changing situations while also setting them up for lifelong learning opportunities and the potential to obtain leadership skills.

Data-driven learning

Data-driven learning involves using data analytics to identify gaps in employee knowledge and skills, and then tailoring training and development to address those gaps. By analyzing employee performance data, employers can gain insight into which skills employees need to develop and where they may be struggling. This approach allows for more targeted training and development, leading to more effective upskilling and better results.

Upskilling employees is essential for keeping up with the demands of the modern workplace. By using personalized learning, microlearning, gamification, mobile learning, collaborative learning, soft skills training, and data-driven learning, employers can provide employees with the knowledge and skills they need to succeed. With these trends in mind, employers can create a culture of continuous learning and improvement, leading to better employee engagement, retention, and overall performance.

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About the Author

Patrick Chiotti (he/him) is an accomplished SEO writer and is currently the Marketing and Communications Specialist at Scion Staffing, bringing years of experience in SEO knowledge and a passion for writing to the Scion team. With additional experience in customer service roles, retail, and accounting, Patrick brings a unique set of knowledge and skills to his role while sharing the passion to continue learning about a wide range of topics so he can share his voice to a larger audience. Outside of Scion, Patrick spends his time as a football coach at the high school level and is passionate about teaching the game, while remaining a student to it. He is also a husband and father, and enjoys fitness, as well as a passion for cooking amazing food.


