Uplifting the Human in Human Resources: NHRA Orange County Holds "Summer Social" at Working Wardrobes
At Working Wardrobes, we treat each client with the utmost dignity, always considering their humanity before their circumstances. Everyone deserves to experience the mental, emotional, and financial rewards of gainful employment, regardless of the barriers they face. Often, it's the barriers we've faced – the challenges we've overcome – that position us to make the most unique and valuable contributions in our workplaces. While practical skillsets help our clients get jobs, it is their unique perspectives, emotional intelligence, work ethic, and humanity that allow them to thrive in their careers.
Working Wardrobes and the National Human Resources Association (NHRA) of Orange County were brought together by a shared passion for humanity in the workplace. We had the pleasure of hosting more than 40 members of NHRA Orange County at our Career Success Center for their Summer Social. Local HR professionals enjoyed dinner and drinks, networked, shopped in our Wardrobe Department, and learned about Working Wardrobes' mission and services. Attendees were invited to bring clothing donations, ultimately collecting over 200 items!
This partnership was made possible by Working Wardrobes' Chief People Officer, Derek Benson. An NHRA member himself, Derek paved the way for the two organizations to realize their potential for a symbiotic relationship. Working Wardrobes' Career Services Manager, Bianca Herrera, had the opportunity to survey attendees about in-demand skillsets. With insights from those on the frontlines of HR, our Client Services team can adapt to include the workshops, training, and certifications that will best position our clients to fill the workforce's most pressing needs. Such targeted services will result in higher-skill, higher-wage career opportunities for the jobseekers we serve.
Working Wardrobes' clients are not the only ones who benefit from our relationship with the HR community. By upskilling clients from a variety of backgrounds, our services contribute to a more engaged, productive, and diverse pool of job-ready candidates for HR professionals to hire from. Increased staff retention, profitability, and creativity are just a few of the well-documented benefits of workplace diversity.
However, many marginalized groups face barriers to the resources necessary to fulfill the qualifications some employers seek. Working Wardrobes clears a path, providing access to tools that help our clients secure gainful employment. Undoubtedly, their unique perspectives and life experiences render them invaluable to the companies and organizations they go on to work for.
If you are an HR professional, we invite you to join in this synergistic relationship! Whether you are interested in hiring from our diverse group of qualified clients or want to share your expertise on in-demand talent, we want to hear from you! Email [email protected] to connect with our Client Services team today.
Thank you, NHRA of Orange County, for investing in the future of employment alongside us. Together, we can create a community where diversity is celebrated and acknowledged for what it is: an imperative for workplaces committed to a more equitable, innovative, and vibrant Orange County.