5 Things Surfing Teaches You About Owning a Business

5 Things Surfing Teaches You About Owning a Business

Turns out Surfing & Business Ownership have a lot in common. When I first hit the waves, I was nervous, excited, and full of grand expectations. It was the same sensation that I got filing articles of incorporation for a new business. Being out on the water with no phone, just you and the ocean, gives time to think and process deeper lessons that can be extrapolated onto other areas of your life. Here are 5 truths that apply to both surfing and business ownership.?

1. LOOKS EASY until you get your feet wet and realize there’s more to it than it seems. Having a mentor reduces the learning curve!

2. CHOOSING THE RIGHT WAVE means being selective but not waiting too long. When every wave is an opportunity, we’re just looking for the ones that’ll carry us the farthest.

3. EGO IS NO AMIGO and while confidence is important, a little humility goes a long way in being successful.

4. ENJOY THE RIDE. There’s a quote that says “the best surfer out there is the one having the most fun” and whether you’re making 50 bucks or 50k per deal, the best business person is the one who is able to most enjoy the process.

5. WIPEOUTS HAPPEN but as long as you stay in the water, there’s always another wave ???

Katie Zugsay

CEO at Finexus Insurance Agency, LLC; Attorney at The Zugsay Law Firm, P.C.

3 年

Couldn’t agree more! Well put.


