Upgrades to Basic Packages & Party in The Pits
Your basic branding package will generate millions of impressions sending people to your brand through a variety of outlets. However, there are million more impressions to be had through a variety of upgrades. Some upgrades are available across all basic packages, other upgrades are specific to a series or track.
?Upgrades available in addition to any basic package include:
?Team Popup Tent?????????????
All those fans are looking through the garage/pit area taking pictures and videos and there your team is with a tent keeping your team and vehicle cool, and your brand is emblazoned on this tent for everyone to see. Again, this is a location for a message i.e., Drink Responsibly or Now Hiring
Crew Branding?????????????????????????????
Your team partner shows up to the event, the team gets out of the transporter and support vehicles and your team is all dressed in matching branded pre-race work wear ready to get through technical inspection and practice, then it is race time and your team changes into race time apparel showing your branding in a fresh new appearance. Now the work is done it is casual time and the whole team is in polo shirts during the summer and sweatshirts in the fall. No matter where any of your team partner goes your brand will be visible creating that repetitive top of mind impressions.
Transporter Branding???????????????????
Thousands of miles traveled statewide, regionally, or nationally adding 100s of thousands to millions of additional impressions on a mobile billboard. Your logo, name, website, and short message.
Track Information Booth
Have a table and tent at 30 events over a two-year period, collect data, sign people up for a newsletter, sample products, give away premiums. A captive audience is at your disposal to disperse information and engage your new customer base. Create those relationships with customers, find a new vender or employee. This includes a branded booth created for your motorsports events, two persons provided with this booth for 3 hours at each event setup and teardown. Your company would need to provide the information. Some restrictions apply and some product will require company representation.
These additions are available in conjunction with any basic package and can add hundreds of thousands to millions of impressions for your brand.
The following additions have a price range based on impressions available based on the attendance and media exposure associated with each track, series, or team. If these addons are of interest Motorsports Promotions would discuss in detail the exact cost and benefits that come with each track, series, or team.
Trade or Car Show appearance??????????????????????
Add thousands of in person and media impressions by having your team partner attend off season events to escalate your impression even further. Reach a cross marketed demographic by choosing sports shows or industry trade shows to highlight your brand. Have selfies done right in your booth with a hashtag for a contest to win any number of prizes. Collect data about customers, get them to sign up for a loyalty programs, newsletters, or employment.
Additional Side of Team Race Vehicle ???????????????????????
Make additional impression by being on both the left and right side of your team partners race vehicle. This additional branding gives your team an even more professional look. Your brand is now visible from both sides of the car. Your brand is much more integrated into the look of the car.
Branded Hood?????????????????????????????????????????????????
Elevate your impressions by being seen as the primary partner of your team by having your brand on the hood of your team race vehicle. Your brand is now visible from almost any angle your partnered team vehicle can be seen from. This is the largest area on any race vehicle giving your brand the greatest impact.
Series Official Partner??????????????????????????????????????
Drive attendees to your brand with an official series partnership. Place a decal on every team vehicle to promote your brand. Increased impressions as your logo will be visible on each vehicle. Opportunities for partnerships Include but not limited to, Rookie of The Year, Fast Qualifier, Hard Charger, and Most Improved Driver awards. These branding opportunities place you in a smaller yet visible area, with announcements during the events and possible separate points standing locations on websites.
Example “Clutch Energy Drink Rookie of The Year.”
Fully Branded Car??????????????????????????????????
Imagine a car with your logo emblazoned upon the entire racing vehicle, your corporate colors integrated into the entire paint scheme. This opportunity elevates your brand awareness to a premium level. Your company name on the tops of both quarter panels and your logo on the hood. This addon will create the premium professional look that will turn heads everywhere.
Series Naming Rights??????????????????????????????????????
The ultimate upgrade, you are already branded with a team, you have an event, hospitality events are in place, now imagine a spot on every vehicle competing in the series. The series would be known by your brand name for a 2-year period. Millions of additional impressions as each vehicle would have a windshield banner with your name and/or logo along with the series. This upgrade would result in your name being associated with every item associated with your series, letterhead, business cards, apparel, every team, press releases, schedules, websites and more.
Example “Motorsports Promotions Midwest Truck Series.” ???????
Each of these upgrades are available with any package, pricing varies by series and track. It is imperative that Motorsports Promotions and your company discuss your desired geographic coverage to create the right team and series or track partnership with these upgrades.
As a supporter of the Motorsports Promotions newsletter, we believe you have an interest in in the power of motorsports marketing. Motorsports Promotions would like to show you this power and discuss how we can enhance your brand, and drive customers to your brand with the millions of impressions available per year. Along with the millions of impressions and fan base loyalty, Motorsports Promotions can introduce your company to potential outlet partners available through motorsports. Is your company seeking new employees, greater market share or greater brand awareness, motorsports marketing has all the components needed to create brand recognition sought for your company?
You may have already been invited to a Day at The Races, however, Motorsports Promotions has upgraded two of our Day at The Races to A Party in The Pits. This is a perfect opportunity to experience everything about how to enhance your brand and drive a new customer base to your brand through motorsports. As guests of the tracks, Wurkhub Digital Marketing and Motorsports Promotions you will enjoy food and beverage, tours of the garage/pit area, meet potential spokes persons and have an exciting time. Each of these events will be limited to twenty-four guests. Do not delay get your company on the guest list today.
Motorsports Promotions has sent you an event invitation directly from our motorsports calendar for both events. We hope you will join us at one of the events to experience everything that is and could be included in a branding package with Motorsports Promotions.
The links below are a reminder for you of that date and the event associated with that date.
If neither of these dates are not a good match for you, we have a calendar available with many dates to choose from.
Find A Date That Works for You: Book Online - Motorsports Promotions
For more information about Motorsports Promotions see us at www.motorsportspromotions.com
Motorsports Promotions has over 50 years of investment in the motorsports industry. The principals involved with Motorsports Promotions have been a part of every aspect of the motorsports industry. This experience will guide your company to the successes available through motorsports.
For more information about Wurkhub Digital Marketing see them at www.wurkhub.com
Wurkhub Digital Marketing owner and founder Mary Jane Sanchez has been working with the food and beverage industry for most of her career. First as an owner of contract?design firm Design Interprise?as a WMD/BE firm working with McDonald’s, Hampton Inns, one of the first Culvers and many local bars and restaurants. After the birth of her?youngest child,?she decided to change her career to marketing and advertisement but stay with the hospitality industry working from home. Internet and social media became of huge interest and a passion of hers.?
Thank you for being a supporter of the Motorsports Promotions newsletter. We hope you find this newsletter educational and beneficial.
Thank you
Jim Naumann