Upgrade Your Expectations
Dr. Cal Leffler
Real Estate Training Expert ?Medical Supply Innovator/Patent Holder ?I facilitate solutions?
As you grow older it can become more difficult to expect new or different results as life grinds on your confidence and patience. Ironically, as you grow older you become more experienced in different areas of life. This experience and knowledge is a valuable commodity if you channel your energy in sharing what you have learned. This can be done through social media sites easily and other people are interested to know your opinion. So, you can choose to remain in your cave and be susceptible to becoming cynical or you can open a conversation with others that can enhance your personal and professional outlook and opportunities.
Social media is a fantastic way to connect with people with similar interests and experiences. You can read or engage like-minded people where your insights and experience are welcomed. In years past, mature people could volunteer time and experience through S.C.O.R.E. or other programs, but now you are more important that ever before to advancing the collective intellectual capability and it is easier to make that happen through social media. For those reading this article, you may agree with what I am saying, but how many new people have you invited to the conversation?
We can achieve more, upgrade our expectations by both inviting new people to groups, clubs, and conversations, but also by engaging more actively in our groups of interest. You can gain a more positive outlook on a bad day by simply venting your thoughts and you can increase your mental profit by interacting with other like-minded people. If your interests turn more toward real estate, please check out my podcast on iTunes at Housecall911 or visit www.housecall911.com Whatever your level of achievement, there is more to gain through more sharing in social media.