Upgrade to Scripting with Groovy Scripts in Jira
@Atlassian @Premdeep

Upgrade to Scripting with Groovy Scripts in Jira

In my day-to-day work life, I have frequently observed teams struggling due to inadequate documentation, inefficient tracking, and lack of stakeholder engagement on projects. Proper documentation is essential for maintaining a clear and consistent record of project progress, decisions, and changes. Without it, teams can quickly become disorganized, leading to miscommunication and errors. Tracking is equally crucial, as it allows teams to monitor progress, identify bottlenecks, and ensure that tasks are completed on time. Stakeholder engagement is another critical aspect; without it, projects can lose direction, miss important feedback, and ultimately fail to meet the needs of those they are designed to serve.

Despite the availability of powerful tools designed to manage project backlogs, many organizations struggle with their proper implementation. These tools are meant to streamline processes, enhance communication, and provide a clear overview of project status. However, if not used correctly, they can become just another layer of complexity. I have seen many organizations that, despite investing in these tools, fail to realize their full potential due to poor implementation practices. This often results in teams continuing to face the same issues of miscommunication and missed deadlines.

On the other hand, there are organizations that have successfully integrated these tools into their systems. They have managed to harness the power of these tools to improve efficiency, communication, and overall project management. These organizations typically invest time in training their teams, establishing clear guidelines for tool usage, and continuously evaluating their processes to ensure they are getting the most out of their investment. This proactive approach enables them to stay on top of their projects and respond swiftly to any issues that arise.

However, even in the best-managed projects, there are always potential pitfalls. One significant risk is the possibility of missing an important issue that needs to be updated in the system. If a critical task slips through the cracks, it can have serious consequences for the project. This can lead to delays, increased costs, and missed deadlines, ultimately impacting the project's success. The importance of timely updates and meticulous tracking cannot be overstated.

This brings me to appreciate Atlassian Jira , a powerful and capable project management tool that offers a variety of solutions to address these common project management challenges. Jira provides features that facilitate comprehensive documentation, efficient tracking, and robust stakeholder engagement. Its customizable workflows and automation capabilities help ensure that important issues are not overlooked and that teams can focus on what matters most. By offering a centralized platform for managing all aspects of a project, Jira helps teams stay organized, maintain clear communication, and meet their deadlines.

Jira's ability to integrate with other tools and systems further enhances its utility. This integration capability allows for seamless data flow and collaboration across different platforms, making it easier for teams to keep everything in sync. The tool's flexibility and adaptability mean that it can be tailored to fit the specific needs of any organization, regardless of its size or industry.

In conclusion, while many organizations struggle with documentation, tracking, and stakeholder engagement, the right tools and practices can make a significant difference. Atlassian Jira stands out as a powerful project management tool that, when used effectively, can help teams overcome these challenges and achieve project success. By leveraging Jira's comprehensive features and capabilities, organizations can improve their project management processes, ensuring that no critical issue is missed and that projects are delivered on time and within budget.

Let's delve into one of Jira's outstanding features: the use of Groovy scripts to automate tasks, ensure timely execution, and effectively identify and correct errors through post-function conditions and validations.

Jira, renowned for its robust project management capabilities, becomes even more powerful when combined with Groovy scripting. This dynamic scripting language allows for advanced customization and automation within Jira workflows, significantly enhancing efficiency and accuracy.

Automation of Tasks

One of the primary advantages of integrating Groovy scripts in Jira is the ability to automate repetitive tasks. Automation saves time, reduces manual errors, and ensures consistency across processes. For instance, you can use Groovy scripts to automatically transition issues between different states based on specific criteria. This ensures that tasks move seamlessly through the workflow without manual intervention, allowing team members to focus on more strategic activities.

For example, consider a scenario where a task needs to be assigned to a reviewer as soon as it reaches the "Ready for Review" stage. A Groovy script can be written to automatically assign the task to the next available reviewer, notify them via email, and update the task status. This not only accelerates the review process but also eliminates the risk of tasks being overlooked.

Effective Error Checking and Updating

Groovy scripts also play a crucial role in error checking and updating. Through post-function conditions and validations, you can ensure that data entered into Jira meets predefined criteria before progressing through the workflow. This helps maintain data integrity and prevents issues from arising later in the project lifecycle.

For instance, a common requirement might be to ensure that all mandatory fields are filled out before an issue can be transitioned from "In Progress" to "Done." Using Groovy scripts, you can enforce this rule, prompting users to complete any missing information and providing clear error messages if validation fails. This proactive approach minimizes the risk of incomplete or incorrect data being propagated through the system.

Post-Function Conditions and Validations

Post-function conditions and validations are essential features in Jira that can be significantly enhanced with Groovy scripting. Post-functions are actions that occur after a workflow transition, such as updating an issue field, sending a notification, or creating a sub-task. By incorporating Groovy scripts into these post-functions, you can implement complex logic tailored to your specific needs.

For example, you might want to automatically calculate and update the due date of an issue based on the priority and current workload of the assignee. A Groovy script can be used to fetch the relevant data, perform the calculation, and update the due date field accordingly. This ensures that due dates are always accurate and reflective of current project dynamics.

Validations, on the other hand, are checks that must be satisfied before a workflow transition can occur. With Groovy scripts, you can create sophisticated validation rules that go beyond the basic out-of-the-box options. For instance, you might require that an issue cannot be closed unless all linked issues are also resolved. A Groovy script can be written to check the status of linked issues and prevent the transition if any are still open.

Let's explore a few predefined scripts designed to handle your complex tasks.

Updating the issue

Can be based on - Condition, validation, post-function or automation.


def issueKey = 'TP-1'
def newSummary = 'Updated by predefined condition'

def result = put('/rest/api/2/issue/' + issueKey)
        .header('Content-Type', 'application/json')
                summary: newSummary
if (result.status == 204) {
    return 'Success'
} else {
    return "${result.status}: ${result.body}"

Escalation Service

In Jira you can predefine the escalation service using "script runner" to automate the crucial tasks.

  • Flag any Issue.


def flaggedCustomField = get("/rest/api/2/field")
        .find {
    (it as Map).name == 'Flagged'
} as Map

def result = put("/rest/api/2/issue/${issue.key}")
        .header('Content-Type', 'application/json')
                               (flaggedCustomField.id): [ // Initialise the Array
                                           [ // set the component value
                                             value: "Impediment",



if (result.status == 204) {
    logger.info("The ${issue.key} issue was flagged as an Impediment. ")
} else {
    logger.warn("Failed to set the Impediment flag on the ${issue.key} issue. ${result.status}: ${result.body}")

return "Escalation Service completed on ${issue.key}"        

  • Add label to unresolved issues.


def result = put('/rest/api/2/issue/' + issue.key)
        .header('Content-Type', 'application/json')
                labels: [[
                                 add: "REQUIRE_ACTION"
if (result.status == 204) {
    return "Success added label to issue with id: ${issue.key}"
} else {
    return "Failed to add label to issue with id: ${issue.key}. " + "${result.status}: ${result.body}"

  • Add comment on any issue.


def issueFields = issue.fields as Map
def subtasks = issueFields.subtasks as List<Map>
subtasks.forEach { subtask ->
    if (((subtask.fields as Map).status as Map).name == "Done") {
    def commentResp = post("/rest/api/2/issue/${subtask.key}/comment")
            .header('Content-Type', 'application/json')
                    body: """Parent task ${issue.key} is resolved and has status: '${(issueFields.status as Map).name}'.
            Please change status of this issue."""

    assert commentResp.status == 201

  • Transition of any issue from one status to another.


def transitionID = '41' 
def result = post("/rest/api/2/issue/${issue.key}/transitions")
        .header("Content-Type", "application/json")
        .body([transition: [id: transitionID]])

if (result.status == 204) {
    logger.info("The ${issue.key} issue was transitioned by the escalation service.")
} else {
    logger.warn("The escalation service failed to transition the ${issue.key}issue. ${result.status}: ${result.body}")
return "Escalation Service completed on ${issue.key}"        
Administrator Feature : Add users to any group

If you are an admin of Jira product, you can add users to any specific group via scripts.


def accountId = '123456:12345a67-bbb1-12c3-dd45-678ee99f99g0'
def groupName = 'jira-core-users'
def projectKey = 'TPT'
def roleName = 'Developers'

def roles = get("/rest/api/2/project/${projectKey}/role")

String developersUrl = roles[roleName]

assert developersUrl != null

def result = post(developersUrl)
    .header('Content-Type', 'application/json')
            user: [accountId],
            group: [groupName]

assert result.status == 200


In conclusion, the integration of Groovy scripts in Jira opens up a world of possibilities for automating tasks, ensuring timely execution, and effectively managing errors through post-function conditions and validations. By leveraging this powerful feature, teams can enhance their workflows, improve data accuracy, and ultimately achieve greater efficiency and productivity in their project management efforts.

Whether you're looking to automate routine tasks, enforce strict validation rules, or implement complex post-function logic, Groovy scripts provide the flexibility and capability needed to tailor Jira to your unique requirements. Embracing this feature can significantly streamline your processes, reduce manual effort, and ensure that your projects run smoothly and efficiently.


Premdeep .


