Upgrade to LED fixtures with $0 money down, The Safety Source can make it happen.
Quality Steel Products Plant 2

Upgrade to LED fixtures with $0 money down, The Safety Source can make it happen.

The Safety Source completed another LED lighting upgrade. This project was for Quality Steel Products in Milford Michigan. The customer wanted to upgrade the lighting in Plant 1 and Plant 2. The Safety Source captured a rebate incentive of $12,498.32 from DTE Energy for these two facilities. This LED upgrade created a monthly electrical savings of $2,715.99 which in turn generated a ROI of less than 14 months. When (MCA) Maintenance Cost Avoidance is calculated the ROI is less than 6 months. All of this was accomplished without using any of Quality Steel Products capital funds. The Safety Source is an authorized contractor with Michigan Saves a program partner with DTE Energy which allows customers to secure 0% interest financing. Learn more at www.michigansaves.org/business-energy-financing. Or visit  www.safetysourcellc.com/page/shop/category/LED-Lighting.


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