Upgrade to The IR Dashboard (Standard)
Rob Stangroom
I help FDs & CEOs use ?? email & excellent IR websites to apply world class investor relations practices: ??visibility ??liquidity ?? valuation ?? misinformation. +28 listed co. clients with +3.0bn mkt. cap.
Africanfinancials has upgraded the Investor Relations Dashboard (Standard) to a more modern, cleaner look, presented in a more functional manner with an improved mobile experience.
Share liquidity statistics are now included
Also included is the estimated value of the shares traded over the past year to help investors assess the share's liquidity, an important indicator for an investor wanting to assess the extent to which investment available into a share, but the likelihood of being able to realise the proceeds of the sale of shares upon sale.
Companies wanting a quick, complete solution to their investor relations website sections would subscribe to The IR Dashboard Standard.
In addition, the colour coding under each numeric share price indicator (green is increase, red is a decrease) enables quick assessment of performance.
In the initial "quick IR view" illustrated above there is, to the right, a "view interactive chart" link which takes the investor the interactive share chart some readers will be familiar with below:-
I have described below the other main sections of The IR Dashboard Standard below.
The "company profile" section
The company profile section provides the highest level overview of the company's activities with quick access to contact details.
The "share trading activity" section
The share trading activity section shows the core issued shares data for the previous days trading with the value offered, the volume of shares traded and the market capitalisation. Critically, the shares issued is also displayed.
The "fundamentals" section
"Fundamentals" relates to the valuation parameters which are:-
P/E Ratio - The price-to-earnings ratio (P/E ratio) is the ratio for valuing a company that measures its current share price relative to its per-share earnings (EPS). The price-to-earnings ratio is also sometimes known as the price multiple or the earnings multiple. P/E ratios are used by investors and analysts to determine the relative value of a company's shares in an apples-to-apples comparison. It can also be used to compare a company against its own historical record or to compare aggregate markets against one another or over time.
Dividend yield - The dividend yield is the ratio of a company's annual dividend compared to its share price. The dividend yield is represented as a percentage and is calculated as follows:
Price-to-Book-Value Ratio - Companies use the price-to-book ratio to compare a firm's market to book value by dividing the price per share by book value per share (BVPS). An asset's book value is equal to its carrying value on the balance sheet, and companies calculate it netting the asset against its accumulated depreciation.
The earnings per share - as disclosed in the annual report - EPS measures the amount of a company's profit on a per-share basis.
The EV / EBITDA Ratio for non financial institutions - The EBITDA/EV multiple is a financial valuation ratio that measures a company's return on investment (ROI) normalized for differences between companies' for differences in capital structure, taxation, and fixed asset accounting. The enterprise value (EV) also normalizes for differences in a company's capital structure.
"Financials summary", "top shareholders" and "corporate governance" section
Three subsections appear beneath the Fundamentals data being the 5 year summary financial statements, the top shareholders and the corporate governance section.
The executive and non-executive board members are shown separately and the Chairman, CEO and Company Secretary are listed with the appointed share registrars.
The 5 year summary of financials is also displayed
The market information section
The market information section is a quick reference section to the company's ISIN number, the CEO, the year end, date founded and the fiscal year end. The year the company was listed and name of the Chairman is also listed.
The "investor calendar" and "recent documents" section
The investor calendar and recent PDF documents show only the most recent and upcoming information on the basis that a comprehensive website already exists with news and PDFs
What The Investor Relations Dashboard Standard DOES NOT HAVE
Sometimes it's better to define something by what it does not have... The IR Dashboard Standard does not have:-
- A full archive of news and regulatory announcements
- A full archive of PDFs
- Email alerts to "push" news out
- Analytics
- A live chat or support ticket system
- Integrations of investor relations data into social media
- SEO optimised content
- Supporting advice and consultancy related to the investor relations governance function
- Publication of investor relations data into the social media channels of Africanfinancials including The Investor Mailing List
To mitigate the above various other add on tools in the form of investor relations widgets may be employed on the company's website as a complement to The IR Dashboard Premium.
Which companies should be using The Investor Relations Dashboard (Standard)?
Which companies should use The IR Dashboard Standard?
- Companies that want to sort out the basics of their website investor relations section but do not want to necessarily push investor information out to investors (for example by way of email alerts or integration into social media)
- Companies that do not have enough budget for a more progressive online investor relations presence.
- Companies that need a quick solution to their investor relations function online.
- Companies that already have a good, established news and PDF archive section on their commercial websites, or already have email alerts, or a newsletter function
Companies IT departments or their website vendors need not be involved at all in any part of the ongoing management of the functionality.
The IR Dashboard Standard can be implemented in less than 48 hours and is a very affordable, hassle free solution to online investor relations.
Is there The IR Dashboard Premium?
Yes, The IR Dashboard Premium is a fully self contained interactive website solution which is best explained in my previous blog post.
The companies using The IR Dashboard Premium and Standard and the full investor relations website services are listed on the Africanfinancials.com portal.