Upgrade to a Higher Leadership Role and Experience Multidimensional Quantum Wealth
Lukaijah Tarquino
Executive Coach | Intuitive Business Mentor | Legacy Consultant | I help leaders launch their personal brand and dissolve the patterns that sabotage love and abundance.
Here are a couple of lessons I’ve learned along my journey. The first one is for visionaries entrepreneurs just starting out or ready to take a quantum leap.
The second lesson is for those who have already made it, yet feel something is missing or not fully aligned.
Both lessons can be applied to wherever you are at.
First lesson:
There is always a way to integrate your souls highest path, joy, and purpose with the path of prosperity and integrated wealth. Sometimes it just takes thinking out of the box, and asking for the life upgrade that you truly desire.
Here is one example from how I switched from being an employee to a founder and partner 17 years ago.
There I was painting my moms kitchen as a recent college graduate. I needed the money, and was doing whatever it took to create capital, yet I was also praying for alignment, declaring from within that I was ready for more.
As I was painting the area above the kitchen door, I had an intuitive urge. I felt guided to go on craigslist, and search the jobs section. I typed ‘business’ and applied for a job to be a business plan writer.
I got the gig working for this top PHd business plan writer, and was paid hourly to take the contents from his client’s questionnaires and flesh out the main copy of the business plans he was hired to write.
A few months into the gig getting paid hourly, I had an idea -? why not start my own company, ask him to partner with me, and travel the world following my Souls directive while selling professional business plans to epic entrepreneurs and visionary leaders.
I presented the idea to him and asked him to be my business partner.? He agreed and that’s how my first business at age 22 was formed: Launch! Intellectual Capital. I went from employee to partner of my own business plan advisory firm with just one courageous idea and question.
If this is relevant for you, ask yourself this -
What is the highest way to elevate my current situation into a refined role that truly matches my true soul blueprint and potential?
Who can I partner with to open doors where there was none?
Partnering with my previous business partner unlocked a path of freedom and adventure for me, though in hindsight I had already worked to create that internal freedom within by claiming that my Spirit was already free and victorious from all external authority and opression.
I submitted to God/Source through my own direct connection, and decided I would not compromise to get by. I decided that there was a path of ultimate alignment which I invoked and co-created through deep listening and courageous action.
Be bold and create the life you desire most by actually asking for it and boldly following your intuition.
A whole new world opened up for me when I did this. Since I had access to standby flights through a family member, I was able to travel anywhere I wanted at a ridiculously low rate. So I allowed my intuition to guide me where to go, and lived my childhood dream: to be a spiritual indiana jones traveling the world to collect the rare spiritual wisdom and treasures from masters and lineages of all kinds.
I traveled the globe scouting out masters and visionary leaders in each country I was guided to travel. I learned from many of them as well as sold them business plans, or in some cases traded a business plan in exchange for their training.
It started in Egypt, then to Thailand, through europe, south america, and the journey continued to 33 countries.
During this time, I wrote business plans for two top gurus in India, a world renowned Grandmaster in Thailand, the founder of ThetaHealing, a Healing Technology Inventor, a wealthy visionary in Dubai, the founder of a top mystery school, top executives in Japan, etc.
The plans my previous business partner and I wrote raised millions of dollars for visionary ventures.
My specialty was asking the questions to invoke and anchor the spirit of the leaders Vision into the field and then articulate that vision through a plan that could raise capital and inspire loyal support.
Then something happened where another aspect of my dharma started to come online. Many of the masters I trained with recognized me as a peer, rather than a student, and at an early age I was initiated into being a teacher as well.
It started in Japan 14 years ago, where I a theta healing teacher recognized me as her master from a past life. She invited me to teach in Kyoto, and many other students had the same recognition while taking my classes.
We built a successful company training healers and facilitating transformational coaching until the Sendai earthquake known as Fukushima shook everything up.
How I learned this Second Lesson:
There are common pitfalls and consciousness traps that come from success, being put on a pedestal, and having more money than one knows what to do with.
I rose to the top and fell hard in order to learn how to be a more balanced guide and leader.
After this experience, I spent years to work on myself, face my childhood traumas, clear ancestral curses, heal previous timelines, and go deep into purification and soul embodiment.
This work of soul liberation and embodiment is not a luxury, it is required for benevolent leadership and necessary to avoid the trappings of this world/matrix. It is necessary for reaching your highest potential, and experiencing true inner peace and lasting fulfillment.
Having what you truly desire at the depth of your being is accessing multidimensional quantum wealth, but it doesn't come through the common path of business growth and success.
I learned it’s not about doing whatever it takes to ‘have it all,’ which I had from an outside perspective. Prestige, fame, fortune, status, money, sex, outward wealth - these are the things most humans are conditioning to trade their time, energy, and soul for.
However, without deep inner understanding and soul embodiment work, having these things most often creates an? entrapment that siphons your joy and true wellbeing.
This is because these things that most people want are powerful aphrodisiacs that our insecure ego aspects use to fill up our unresolved voids and we end up creating a false sense of accomplishment, worth, and purpose around these things.
This is how many successful, wealthy, and famous people become trapped, imprisoned by their codependent relationship to the very things they thought would fulfill them and make them complete.
The more they create externally by operating from their wounds, the more they loose access to their true self and become bound to a vampiric matrix of insatiable looping patterns.
It happened to me. I realized that no matter how big I took my 7-figure company, it would always be tainted with the lack of solid soul integrity and inner wholeness which I had not yet anchored in my own being at that time.
I saw how the more students I took on, the bigger my ego would grow and the more false responsibility I would take on to play the guru role. I saw where aspects of my identity were woven in with the external condition of success in such a way that I was falsely inflated and living from an overlay instead of my authentic self.
My castle was built on sand and needed to crumble in order to show me what building on a solid foundation was truly like.
As a leader, executive, founder, it’s important for you to honestly assess through self inquiry and with support from a trusted advisor:
Where have I built my empire on sand? (Meaning, where have you built what you created from a place of egoism, wounding or needing to prove?)
Where have I allowed an aspect of my wounded or egoic self to fill in my inner voids with external success, wealth, status, praise, or sex?
Am I willing to figure out how to source everything I am getting externally from my true authentic Selfhood?
What is the deeper calling and identity that is behind all of this that wants to emerge right now?
Am I now ready to go through the initiation into my true Soul Legacy and reach the highest calling and potential available?
*A solid foundation to build your true souls legacy is one of deep inner communion, of realizing your original blueprint and identity.
It comes from knowing how to anchor the energetic restoration of your authentic Selfhood which already emanates the fullness and wholeness of your Spirit. This means whatever you are creating in the world, you create from the blueprint of how it already is so in spirit.
You are not here on earth to get something, to prove something, to glorify your ego, or to fill your inner voids with other people, success, wealth, prestige, or anything else external.
Instead you are here to give from the overflow of your multidimensionally wealthy radiance in such a way that it brings yourself and others lasting joy, development and fulfillment.
Your ego and wounded aspects will grieve letting go of the false borrowed desires, and realize it is an illusion that there is something out there to attain that will make you more/better/complete.
Yet your soul celebrates that you no longer need anything from this world to validate yourself, therefore you are finally ready to begin your true souls legacy.
You honor with humility the gift you have been given and are, which is the living legacy you are here to offer the world. In the receptivity of your inheritance you choose to live and have your being rooted in this Living Legacy.
From this place of internal union, multidimensional quantum wealth is an inner experience of having what is true in spirit move through your mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies to actualize in form.
Multidimensional Quantum Wealth is the divine surplus of purposeful goodness that emanates from your inner wholeness and becomes the richness of your life: magical adventures, moments of deep communion and true love, synchronistic alignments and business partnerships, career alignments and expansion, meaningful service pathways, uplifted people all around you, a surplus of money to move and create freely, serenity and freedom within your being as you take inspired action.
From this place you can still have a successful company, external wealth and whatever your heart desires - but these things no longer fill your inner voids or add stress to your life. You are not afraid to loose what you have externally because you have it all already from within.
You enjoy the riches of life, not as things that make you more of who you are, but rather things you enjoy as a temporary steward over, which are reflections of the already sourced wholeness and multidimensional wealth you have accessed and embodied from within.
I’ve had the privilege of coaching and mentoring many leaders, from individuals just starting their visionary project to 7 and 8 figure conscious executives.
One of the unique aspects of my work is I specialize in tracking specifically what inner voids, belief systems, ancestral curses, and trauma imprints are still keeping you stuck and held back from this state of multidimensional quantum wealth and reaching your highest potential.
This work ends all hustle hamster wheel traps and helps you transcends temptations so you can move, lead, and thrive from your inner wholeness.
This is the path of effortless attainment, which yields multidimensional quantum wealth, soul aligned success, inner peace and lasting fulfillment as inevitable results.
If you are a visionary leader ready to actualize the highest calling and potential of your Soul, contact me at [email protected].
Absolutely inspiring vision! As Richard Branson once said, "Do not be embarrassed by your failures, learn from them and start again." Your journey towards multidimensional quantum wealth truly resonates with the essence of visionary leadership and prosperity. ???? Also, if you're interested in blending your vision with a unique cause, there's a sponsorship opportunity for the Guinness World Record of Tree Planting that might align perfectly with your goals. Check it out here to leave a lasting impact: https://bit.ly/TreeGuinnessWorldRecord