Upgrade Ceph from Quincy to Reef Release.

Upgrade Ceph from Quincy to Reef Release.

In this blog post, I’m going to upgrade production ceph storage from Quincy to Reef release using cephadm. Please read Upgrade Guide before proceed.

Cephadm use following order to upgrade all the components:

mgr -> mon -> crash -> osd -> mds -> rgw -> rbd-mirror -> cephfs-mirror -> iscsi -> nfs


  • Ceph cluster running Quincy release

Before upgrade

Check version

$ ceph version
ceph version 17.2.6 (d7ff0d10654d2280e08f1ab989c7cdf3064446a5) quincy (stable)

List of nodes (3x ceph controller and 3x OSD nodes)

# ceph orch host ls
HOST       ADDR            LABELS  STATUS
os-ctrl1  _admin
os-ctrl2  _admin
os-ctrl3  _admin
6 hosts in cluster

List of running daemons.

ceph orch ps

ceph-exporter.ceph-osd3  ceph-osd3               running (6M)     89s ago   7M    50.1M        -  17.2.6   84d64ce389a6  fc7d9b70814a
ceph-exporter.os-ctrl1   os-ctrl1                running (23h)    87s ago   7M    16.2M        -  17.2.6   84d64ce389a6  7f8c63c4f92f
ceph-exporter.os-ctrl2   os-ctrl2                running (23h)    88s ago   7M    16.8M        -  17.2.6   84d64ce389a6  b35fd925e076
ceph-exporter.os-ctrl3   os-ctrl3                running (23h)    88s ago   7M    16.4M        -  17.2.6   84d64ce389a6  5c1941242c6e
crash.ceph-osd1          ceph-osd1               running (6M)     89s ago   7M    14.4M        -  17.2.6   84d64ce389a6  23f74d6c4a88
crash.ceph-osd2          ceph-osd2               running (6M)     89s ago   7M    14.3M        -  17.2.6   84d64ce389a6  7c224db69c0f
crash.ceph-osd3          ceph-osd3               running (6M)     89s ago   7M    14.6M        -  17.2.6   84d64ce389a6  0b1c22101446
crash.os-ctrl1           os-ctrl1                running (23h)    87s ago   7M    7088k        -  17.2.6   84d64ce389a6  421a7614cbed
crash.os-ctrl2           os-ctrl2                running (23h)    88s ago   7M    7092k        -  17.2.6   84d64ce389a6  edab383569de
crash.os-ctrl3           os-ctrl3                running (23h)    88s ago   7M    7060k        -  17.2.6   84d64ce389a6  b4ac1f41004e
grafana.os-ctrl1         os-ctrl1   *:3000       running (23h)    87s ago   7M    69.1M        -  8.3.5    dad864ee21e9  f122af2ddb2a
mgr.os-ctrl1.dgyjfi      os-ctrl1   *:9283       running (23h)    87s ago   7M     421M        -  17.2.6   84d64ce389a6  0e5f5eccc3d8
mgr.os-ctrl2.bmqlnf      os-ctrl2   *:8443,9283  running (23h)    88s ago   7M     602M        -  17.2.6   84d64ce389a6  bcdae0cba0b2
mon.os-ctrl1             os-ctrl1                running (23h)    87s ago   7M     400M    2048M  17.2.6   84d64ce389a6  a59dda7e7d93
mon.os-ctrl2             os-ctrl2                running (23h)    88s ago   7M     395M    2048M  17.2.6   84d64ce389a6  48406e0821a3
mon.os-ctrl3             os-ctrl3                running (23h)    88s ago   7M     386M    2048M  17.2.6   84d64ce389a6  23bff20ba870
node-exporter.ceph-osd1  ceph-osd1  *:9100       running (6M)     89s ago   7M    37.2M        -  1.3.1    1dbe0e931976  b16c51aa919f
node-exporter.ceph-osd2  ceph-osd2  *:9100       running (6M)     89s ago   7M    39.3M        -  1.3.1    1dbe0e931976  d0b80e61bb04
node-exporter.ceph-osd3  ceph-osd3  *:9100       running (6M)     89s ago   7M    38.0M        -  1.3.1    1dbe0e931976  7ad70f112530
node-exporter.os-ctrl1   os-ctrl1   *:9100       running (23h)    87s ago   7M    22.4M        -  1.3.1    1dbe0e931976  97cc7705fa54
node-exporter.os-ctrl2   os-ctrl2   *:9100       running (23h)    88s ago   7M    22.4M        -  1.3.1    1dbe0e931976  9f6f27e983cf
node-exporter.os-ctrl3   os-ctrl3   *:9100       running (23h)    88s ago   7M    23.0M        -  1.3.1    1dbe0e931976  e00cee580326
osd.0                    ceph-osd3               running (6M)     89s ago   6M    2509M    24.8G  17.2.6   84d64ce389a6  a6ac6da7c87b
osd.1                    ceph-osd3               running (6M)     89s ago   6M    2733M    24.8G  17.2.6   84d64ce389a6  83781e6541e0
osd.2                    ceph-osd3               running (6M)     89s ago   6M    2330M    24.8G  17.2.6   84d64ce389a6  a43760560f5f
osd.3                    ceph-osd1               running (6M)     89s ago   7M    8086M    24.8G  17.2.6   84d64ce389a6  1da75db2a117
osd.4                    ceph-osd2               running (6M)     89s ago   7M    12.9G    24.8G  17.2.6   84d64ce389a6  835be17ea22c
osd.5                    ceph-osd3               running (6M)     89s ago   7M    13.2G    24.8G  17.2.6   84d64ce389a6  01a79d7e1009
osd.6                    ceph-osd1               running (6M)     89s ago   7M    8461M    24.8G  17.2.6   84d64ce389a6  82fc463c4920
osd.7                    ceph-osd2               running (6M)     89s ago   7M    9362M    24.8G  17.2.6   84d64ce389a6  fed55b03eebe
osd.8                    ceph-osd3               running (6M)     89s ago   7M    14.6G    24.8G  17.2.6   84d64ce389a6  ff143271b727
osd.9                    ceph-osd1               running (6M)     89s ago   7M    15.3G    24.8G  17.2.6   84d64ce389a6  3decd8978afd
osd.10                   ceph-osd2               running (6M)     89s ago   7M    14.2G    24.8G  17.2.6   84d64ce389a6  51e9e9261976
osd.11                   ceph-osd3               running (6M)     89s ago   7M    10.3G    24.8G  17.2.6   84d64ce389a6  238521d04ad4
osd.12                   ceph-osd1               running (6M)     89s ago   7M    8616M    24.8G  17.2.6   84d64ce389a6  fd4b492c5c6f
osd.13                   ceph-osd2               running (6M)     89s ago   7M    9105M    24.8G  17.2.6   84d64ce389a6  9b4bec06a6cb
osd.14                   ceph-osd3               running (6M)     89s ago   7M    6848M    24.8G  17.2.6   84d64ce389a6  a3007e5775b1
osd.15                   ceph-osd2               running (6M)     89s ago   6M    2398M    24.8G  17.2.6   84d64ce389a6  e6aef528287a
osd.16                   ceph-osd2               running (6M)     89s ago   6M    3180M    24.8G  17.2.6   84d64ce389a6  525439e38abb
osd.17                   ceph-osd2               running (6M)     89s ago   6M    2644M    24.8G  17.2.6   84d64ce389a6  b2d4abc6d570
osd.18                   ceph-osd1               running (6M)     89s ago   6M    2701M    24.8G  17.2.6   84d64ce389a6  9ba07d5c84c8
osd.19                   ceph-osd1               running (6M)     89s ago   6M    2843M    24.8G  17.2.6   84d64ce389a6  3bd5a34fe159
osd.20                   ceph-osd1               running (6M)     89s ago   6M    2921M    24.8G  17.2.6   84d64ce389a6  7390ffc3ef57
prometheus.os-ctrl1      os-ctrl1   *:9095       running (23h)    87s ago   7M     215M        -  2.33.4   514e6a882f6e  bd2d34e7bccb

Make sure ceph is in health stat because upgrade start

$ ceph health

Start ceph upgrade to Reef

Check latest and stable released version here

$ ceph orch upgrade start --ceph-version 18.2.2

As soon as you will start upgrade it will first download docker images which you can see in following output

$ docker images | grep quay
quay.io/ceph/ceph                                                  v18.2.2               a27483cc3ea0   34 hours ago    1.26GB
quay.io/ceph/ceph-grafana                                          9.4.7                 954c08fa6188   3 months ago    633MB
quay.io/ceph/ceph                                                  v17                   84d64ce389a6   8 months ago    1.26GB

Check upgrade status with following command.

$ ceph orch upgrade status
    "target_image": "quay.io/ceph/ceph@sha256:798f1b1e71ca1bbf76c687d8bcf5cd3e88640f044513ae55a0fb571502ae641f",
    "in_progress": true,
    "which": "Upgrading all daemon types on all hosts",
    "services_complete": [
    "progress": "2/47 daemons upgraded",
    "message": "",
    "is_paused": false

First it will upgrade MGR daemon then MON.

$ ceph orch ps | grep mgr
mgr.os-ctrl1.dgyjfi      os-ctrl1   *:8443,9283,8765  running (113s)    57s ago   7M     423M        -  18.2.2   a27483cc3ea0  e95dc6b2cb7d
mgr.os-ctrl2.bmqlnf      os-ctrl2   *:8443,9283,8765  running (2m)      42s ago   7M     490M        -  18.2.2   a27483cc3ea0  a34b4d66c32d

When it will upgrade OSD during that time it will restart OSD daemon which will trigger recovery.

$ ceph osd tree

-1         52.39732  root default
-3         17.46577      host ceph-osd1
18   nvme   1.94060          osd.18          up   1.00000  1.00000
19   nvme   1.94060          osd.19          up   1.00000  1.00000
20   nvme   1.94060          osd.20          up   1.00000  1.00000
 3    ssd   2.91100          osd.3           up   1.00000  1.00000
 6    ssd   2.91100          osd.6         down   1.00000  1.00000
 9    ssd   2.91100          osd.9           up   1.00000  1.00000
12    ssd   2.91100          osd.12          up   1.00000  1.00000

You can see recovery status here.

$ ceph health
HEALTH_WARN 1 osds down; Degraded data redundancy: 113159/807519 objects degraded (14.013%), 165 pgs degraded

If you interested in upgrade logs.

ceph log last cephadm
2024-03-21T02:34:53.206361+0000 mgr.os-ctrl2.bmqlnf (mgr.36605239) 327 : cephadm [INF] Upgrade: osd.7 is safe to restart
2024-03-21T02:34:53.207197+0000 mgr.os-ctrl2.bmqlnf (mgr.36605239) 328 : cephadm [INF] Upgrade: osd.4 is also safe to restart
2024-03-21T02:34:53.207369+0000 mgr.os-ctrl2.bmqlnf (mgr.36605239) 329 : cephadm [INF] Upgrade: osd.10 is also safe to restart
2024-03-21T02:34:53.207522+0000 mgr.os-ctrl2.bmqlnf (mgr.36605239) 330 : cephadm [INF] Upgrade: osd.13 is also safe to restart
2024-03-21T02:34:53.874655+0000 mgr.os-ctrl2.bmqlnf (mgr.36605239) 331 : cephadm [INF] Upgrade: Updating osd.7 (1/4)
2024-03-21T02:34:53.905404+0000 mgr.os-ctrl2.bmqlnf (mgr.36605239) 332 : cephadm [INF] Deploying daemon osd.7 on ceph-osd2
2024-03-21T02:35:24.855273+0000 mgr.os-ctrl2.bmqlnf (mgr.36605239) 349 : cephadm [INF] Upgrade: Updating osd.4 (2/4)
2024-03-21T02:35:24.891699+0000 mgr.os-ctrl2.bmqlnf (mgr.36605239) 350 : cephadm [INF] Deploying daemon osd.4 on ceph-osd2
2024-03-21T02:35:47.735582+0000 mgr.os-ctrl2.bmqlnf (mgr.36605239) 362 : cephadm [INF] Upgrade: Updating osd.10 (3/4)
2024-03-21T02:35:47.768120+0000 mgr.os-ctrl2.bmqlnf (mgr.36605239) 363 : cephadm [INF] Deploying daemon osd.10 on ceph-osd2
2024-03-21T02:36:11.963329+0000 mgr.os-ctrl2.bmqlnf (mgr.36605239) 376 : cephadm [INF] Upgrade: Updating osd.13 (4/4)
2024-03-21T02:36:11.994598+0000 mgr.os-ctrl2.bmqlnf (mgr.36605239) 377 : cephadm [INF] Deploying daemon osd.13 on ceph-osd2
2024-03-21T02:37:00.799319+0000 mgr.os-ctrl2.bmqlnf (mgr.36605239) 404 : cephadm [INF] Upgrade: unsafe to stop osd(s) at this time (23 PGs are or would become offline)

If all goes well then voila!!

$ ceph version
ceph version 18.2.2 (531c0d11a1c5d39fbfe6aa8a521f023abf3bf3e2) reef (stable)

Ceph reef has new dashborad with improved layout.


Peter Lee

Sr Cloud Consultant & Program Manager @ OpenMetal.io | Investor

12 个月

Great choice! Our new release will also include an upgrade Ceph Quincy to Reef!


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