Updates for Queensland's Waste Management and Materials Recovery Sector, 12 August
Waste Recycling Industry Association (QLD) inc (WRIQ)
Representing waste, resource recovery & circular economy businesses - we are essential for community & environment.
More Single-use Plastic Bans for Queensland
To kick-off Plastic Free July in Queensland, on 1 July 2022 the Honourable Meaghan Scanlon, Minister for Environment and the Great Barrier Reef and Minister for Science and Youth Affairs announced more single-use plastic items that are to be banned in Queensland.?From 1 September 2023, the following single-use items, for which there are suitable alternatives, will be banned (cotton buds with plastic stems, plastic microbeads in rinseable personal care and cleaning products and expanded polystyrene loose packaging (packing ‘peanuts’) and heavyweight plastic shopping bags.
A reusability standard, starting with shopping bags, will also be developed. The standard will include design, testing and recycle-content requirements.?The intention to ban the mass release of lighter-than-air balloons from 1 September 2023 has also been announced. While the release of balloons is currently considered to be littering, the ban will prevent these balloons from entering the environment in the first place.?A five-year Roadmap was released at the same time, flagging action on a range of other single-use plastic items and providing an opportunity for targeted stakeholder consultation on timeframes, suitable alternative products and options for action other than a ban.?The Department of Environment and Science intends to run an Innovation Challenge this year looking at suitable sustainable alternatives to replace single-use coffee cups and lids ahead of any decision to ban these items. The Innovation Challenge will provide an opportunity to generate innovative ideas for creating new or improving existing coffee cups and lids, including systems and infrastructure needs.
The Bedding Industry Stewardship Model: What's changed and how you can participate
The Australian Bedding Stewardship Council (ABSC) invites the Waste and Resource Recovery Industry to an online information session on Thursday 1 September 2022, 10 am – 11.30 am to hear about the finalised model for the Bedding Stewardship Scheme.
In response to barriers to industry participation and the?commercial challenges in mattress recycling, the Bedding Stewardship Model has changed from the draft design presented during our consultation in October - November?2021. The ABSC has been working closely with its members and the Waste and Resource Recovery Industry to develop a stewardship model that removes barriers to participation and makes taking responsibility of end-of-life mattresses a unified and collaborative effort. If you are yet to engage with the ABSC or are keen to understand how the Scheme will roll out and how you can participate, register for the information session here https://events.humanitix.com/the-bedding-industry-stewardship-model-what-s-changed-and-how-you-can-participate
Fire Ant Biosecurity Zones in SEQ are Changing
On Thursday 1 September?2022, Biosecurity Queensland will be updating the fire ant biosecurity zones?in South East Queensland. The changes include adding new suburbs to the zones and moving a handful of suburbs between zones.?These changes are being made to protect areas receiving eradication treatment and to reduce the risks of fire ants spreading by way of human-assisted movement. The following local government authorities are affected:
If you work or live in or near a suburb being added to the fire ant biosecurity zones, these changes may affect you. Anyone using or working with materials that can carry fire ants—soil, hay, mulch, composts, manure, quarry products, turf and potted plants, is legally required to check the?fire ant biosecurity zones and use fire ant-safe practices?if moving materials from within the zones.
This includes when disposing of materials.?Penalties apply to both individuals and businesses doing the wrong thing.
Waste and Recycling Innovation Awards 2022
There is some amazing work being done within the (Queensland) industry and it would be great to recognise that. Now is the time to acknowledge a recent success or leader within your company.?This year’s awards will be held during Waste Expo Australia on 26 October.?Nominations must be completed using the online form?here?by Tuesday 23 August 2022.?More information is available at https://wastemanagementreview.com.au/recognising-excellence-across-the-waste-and-resource-recovery-sector/
LAWMAC Newsletter
The Local Authority Waste Management Action Committee’s (LAWMAC) latest newsletter is available at the LAWMAC website or head to www.lawmac.org.au.?Check out WRIQ’s latest article on page 5.
?NACOE Program of Projects Now Available
A copy of the program of projects for the National Asset Centre of Excellence (NACOE) can now be viewed on the NACOE website at https://www.nacoe.com.au/.?A trend in recent industry feedback to NACOE was a request toward better connecting the Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads (TMR) projects that could use recycled materials with suppliers of recycled materials.?NACOE Project O28 Recycled Materials Supplier Database has been initiated in response to this and to:
·??????Stimulate the use of recycled materials that are included in TMR’s Waste to Resource (W2R) tender schedule.?
·??????Facilitate early input from industry in scoping functionality, and it is anticipated there may also be opportunity to participate in User testing and rollout stages.
·??????Strengthen the overall approach with a range of industry stakeholders including owners, designers, contractors and material suppliers.
·??????It is anticipated that involvement may be a combination of webinars, surveys and in-person sessions, and you can withdraw at any stage.
If you are interested in participating, please contact by email the TMR Project Lead Ms Sarangi (Sara) Bandara at [email protected] by COB 19th August.
Development of a Facility Management Policy – Open for Public Consultation
Standards Australia is currently consulting on a range of new standards including Facility management — Development of a facility management policy.?Critical areas of the policy include waste minimisation and management, the use of renewable energy and the recycling and conservation of water.?Details can be accessed via their webpage and Connect System and submissions close on 21 September.?