Updates to polyjam (2.0)
Laurent Kneip
Professor at ShanghaiTech, Director MPL & STAR, Chief Technology Advisor at Motovis, IEEE Senior Member
ChatGPT is certainly impressive and showing sparks of AGI. However, this does not mean that we should now stop the pursuit of deterministic, non-learning based solutions to problems, which show the following strong advantages:
We are therefore glad to announce some important updates to our open-source polynomial solver generator polyjam, a gem that has been somewhat dormant for a while, but that we have recently rediscovered for some of our recent research on neuromorphic sensing.
In a nutshell: polyjam is a C++ library for the automatic generation of highly efficient C++ code. The generated code implements Gr?bner basis / Action matrix solvers for multi-variate polynomial problems, and has been helpful in the development of the OpenGV library. The library strongly follows the seminal method originally proposed by Zuzana Kukelova et al.(Automatic generator of minimal problem solvers, ECCV 2018) extended by a few tweaks. For anyone interested, a solid entry point into the field of computational algebraic geometry is given by Cox et al.’s book “Ideals, Varieties, and Algorithms”, which saved me already during my PhD.
Here is a summary of how the framework works (it involves three separate compilation processes because the generator library is pre-compiled and the actual user-defined code for calling the generator is also a compiled piece of code rather than just a script fed to the generator):
Short summary of updates in version 2.0:
List of the existing super-cool features of polyjam:
We are still working on efficiency improvements and a further simplification of the interface and additional features, so stay tuned for more updates.
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1 年Laurent, thanks for sharing!