Updates On Instagram And Their Automation As Of June 2019

Updates On Instagram And Their Automation As Of June 2019

Is Instagram automation dead? Well this has been a iffy subject for a little while now agencies are closing their doors and influencers are now left without a clue as how to continue to reach the masses!! Well, here I will pin point what exactly Instagram did and how that might force you to change, or stop what you're doing! 

  Of course we have to realize how everyone was automating their growth on Instagram for this to make sense to our new readers in the audience. What exactly agencies and regulars all over the world (especially in India) Were doing to generate more traffic was interaction. Meaning they'd simply stick your account in a program and just make it like, comment, follow, and un-follow countless other random accounts based on their description, and who they were constantly engaging with anyway! Meaning, of course- that users would see their notifications, feel flattered, and either comment, like, and or follow! But Instagram saw this (who knows it could've been the tons of google ads promoting this kind of service for like $10 a month, just maybe) and now we have a handful of agencies, freelancers, noobs, and even the most seasoned agencies closing their doors and leaving their customers all to fend for themselves! 

So how can we fix this? Well there is something that every automation user used to serve their clients. Their proxies! Instagram realized that if they simply look in the sub net of where the users were being created, and interacting they could find a large sum of users that were hitting completely abnormal numbers of interactions. So what did they do? They looked at the vast majority of users per sub net, and then they took the 25% of users who were doing the most minimal interactions, and allowed that to be the sub net maximum. meaning it solely depends on an agency at this point. What are their sources? Where do they get their proxies from? How strategically placed are their proxies? Do they own a whole sub net? This is no operation for a novice at this point, and therefore is not worth getting into for most. 

Well... Now that we've got the bad news out of the way, let me tell you the good news. The best news you'll hear all year! The truth is Instagram was always leaning towards this! automating your account was never a good idea in the first place! Why would you place their account at risk for maybe a few thousand of followers? Instagram is a world in itself, meaning it works on word of mouth. Now, since bots are such a huge problem shoutouts are halfway as effective as they ought to be, and this new algorithm change where only 10% of your followers get to see your post unless you have a high engagement score already is a huge problem for everyone, and tons of people are leaving the platform because of this. What my agency Think Expansion have managed to do is completely eliminate this by the hundred thousand through the use of fan accounts! 

raving fans for your business, locally in new york, locally in pembroke pines

See, taking a quantum leap is what we all do when we look at the manual in the first place, the same thing applies here. We create accounts that are pure fans for your service/ business. Meaning you get hundreds of thousands of people a day learning about your business in any geographical location, to any audience, gender, or specific down to the T on Instagram! If this may interest you, you can find out more here:


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